So once again I took FOREVER to write in this thing again! Well this is just going to be a quick update. Nothing special this time. I'm almost done with my first block of the Academy. It finishes in about three weeks. Then I'll have a break until March. I know it's a little ways away, but it's the only way I could do the Academy and still work full time. The next block doesnt' start for me again until March, so there is nothing I can do about it. :)
Well I took my First Aid, CPR, DT and my latest quiz since I wrote last time. I passed all of them with flying colors of course ;) So really I can't think of much else to say. I went on a ride along with Provo City and that was really fun. I'm thinking that Provo wouldn't be too bad of a place to work. But I really don't care where I work as long as I can be a cop.
Well it's a short entry but it sums it all up. Gotta run, I'll write again soon. I promise!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wow, I didn't realize it had been nearly a month since I wrote last. I've been just a little busy with the Academy and work you know? ;) Well I thought I would write a quick update and let whoever cares know how things are going with me in my life right now.
I am in my 4th week of the Academy, so the first block is almost officially half done! PHEW! This week has been an interesting one. I've decided myself to refer to this week as "hell week" and I think it's deserved it so far. We have done nothing but P.T. and Defensive Tactics all week. We don't do anything else this whole week, so it's pretty hard. I'm sore and I my shins are killing me from all the running, but I guess it's only going to get easier, I know it has gotten a lot easier in just 4 weeks. I'm in a lot better shape then I was when I started and I thought I was in alright shape then, WRONG! But I'm surviving and I know it will all be worth it when it's all said and done. I have P.T. and defensive tactics tonight and then just P.T. on Friday, so it's almost over with. The nights we have only P.T. we are only there for an hour and then we go home, so those days aren't so bad. Most nights we're there till 9:30 though and that kind of sucks. Keep in mind class is Mon-Sat, so really my ONLY day off is Sunday, and that kind of blows. Oh well, I'll be done on November 19th and then I will have a nice break until either Jan. or March depending on if I can get in the earlier class. March would be ideal just because I would then have my income tax refund to help me buy my equipment for the second block. But the January one would be good too because then I would be done in March and could get on a department sooner. We'll have to just wait and see. I can't believe that it's already been a month though, time has gone by so fast. I was worried that it was going to drag on and on and on, but it's gone surprisingly fast. Now I just wish that it was already over with, I'm so tired and ready for a break it's insane! I go to work all day, hurry and go get the kids from daycare, take them and Sheena home, quickly change into whatever uniform I need for that night and grab a bottle of water and head out the door. I get out of school around 9:00-9:30 and head home, grab a small something to eat and go shower and go to bed. That's my day Monday through Friday. Then on Saturday I get up at 7:00 shower and get ready, go to school until usually 5:00 pm, then go home and try to get a whole days worth of errands done in like 3 hours so that the kids can get to bed at a decent time. Needless to say Sundays I don't do a whole heck of a lot if I can avoid it. I like to just lounge around and just kind of kick back and do a whole lot of nothing. Anyway, I'm halfway done with the first block and I'm still doing pretty good. It's a lot of stuff to cram in your brain all at once, but I'm sure a lot of it will come easier with job experience so I'm not going to worry myself about it right now.
Well that's an update on my school for now, I'll try not to let it go so long before I post again. :)
I am in my 4th week of the Academy, so the first block is almost officially half done! PHEW! This week has been an interesting one. I've decided myself to refer to this week as "hell week" and I think it's deserved it so far. We have done nothing but P.T. and Defensive Tactics all week. We don't do anything else this whole week, so it's pretty hard. I'm sore and I my shins are killing me from all the running, but I guess it's only going to get easier, I know it has gotten a lot easier in just 4 weeks. I'm in a lot better shape then I was when I started and I thought I was in alright shape then, WRONG! But I'm surviving and I know it will all be worth it when it's all said and done. I have P.T. and defensive tactics tonight and then just P.T. on Friday, so it's almost over with. The nights we have only P.T. we are only there for an hour and then we go home, so those days aren't so bad. Most nights we're there till 9:30 though and that kind of sucks. Keep in mind class is Mon-Sat, so really my ONLY day off is Sunday, and that kind of blows. Oh well, I'll be done on November 19th and then I will have a nice break until either Jan. or March depending on if I can get in the earlier class. March would be ideal just because I would then have my income tax refund to help me buy my equipment for the second block. But the January one would be good too because then I would be done in March and could get on a department sooner. We'll have to just wait and see. I can't believe that it's already been a month though, time has gone by so fast. I was worried that it was going to drag on and on and on, but it's gone surprisingly fast. Now I just wish that it was already over with, I'm so tired and ready for a break it's insane! I go to work all day, hurry and go get the kids from daycare, take them and Sheena home, quickly change into whatever uniform I need for that night and grab a bottle of water and head out the door. I get out of school around 9:00-9:30 and head home, grab a small something to eat and go shower and go to bed. That's my day Monday through Friday. Then on Saturday I get up at 7:00 shower and get ready, go to school until usually 5:00 pm, then go home and try to get a whole days worth of errands done in like 3 hours so that the kids can get to bed at a decent time. Needless to say Sundays I don't do a whole heck of a lot if I can avoid it. I like to just lounge around and just kind of kick back and do a whole lot of nothing. Anyway, I'm halfway done with the first block and I'm still doing pretty good. It's a lot of stuff to cram in your brain all at once, but I'm sure a lot of it will come easier with job experience so I'm not going to worry myself about it right now.
Well that's an update on my school for now, I'll try not to let it go so long before I post again. :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My first week
So I just finished my first week in the Police Academy. I'm still a little sore, but I've been running each night after school so that contributes to my soreness. I'm also a little drained from trying to learn so much! It's crazy all the different things that I'm learning. It's very interesting though, so that makes it so much better and a little easier to handle. Today for instance we spent 8 hours on the Criminal Codes! It's about as thick as the phone book and just about as exciting too ;) They are a little confusing, but I guess I dont' have to know them all right now. I've got plenty of time to learn everything, but I like to try and learn it all at once, it's always been one of my "faults" if you would call it that. I'm excited about it though, and I'm really excited about where this new "adventure" will take me in my life. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about becoming a Police Officer, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm well aware of the bad that comes along with the job, afterall my dad was an officer for the first 23 years of my life, so I know what to expect a little better than your "regular joe." I think Sheena is probably more nervous than I am, but that's to be expected I guess. God forbid anything happen to me she will be the one to carry the responsibility of raising our little children. I know she's strong enough to do it though, but I hope it never comes to that. I'm excited for next week though, that's when the real fun starts. We get to start doing Defense Tactics and Arrest Control Tactics and all that fun stuff. Basically we're going to get to throw each other around and learn how to "kick ass" :)
On a completely different note, I recently discovered some things about my religion and the Mormon Church in general that are very disturbing to me. For the first time in my life, my faith in my religion is not as solid as it always has been. I'm not doubting "God" or "Jesus Christ", I don't know how anyone could do that. If you ever wondered about that, just take a drive through the mountains, or go watch a sunset or something like that. I'm just a little concerned with the things that I'm learning. I'm not going to list any specifics on here, just because I don't want to be the reason anyone else "questions" the church. I figure if anyone wants to know these or any other things, they will do the research. I'm not saying I don't want to be Mormon either, but I am saying that I'm questioning it. I'm doing some praying and soul searching this past week and will continue to do so until my questions are answered then I'll make my decision based on that. Please anyone that wants to try and "save" me....don't. I'm not becoming a blasphemist or anything, just doing a little searching is all. No worries! I know my true friends that read this...oh yeah the only people that read this ARE my true friends...they won't judge me or treat me any different. I know they'll be there for me throughout the whole thing regardless of my decision and I hope they are aware that I'd be there for them no matter what. Yeah even you Mikey ;)
Anyway, I'm gonna go, but I'll write another school update once I get my next week finished.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So the academy starts in two days and I'm going crazy! I'm so freaking nervous I can hardly stand it. I'm sure everything will be fine, but I'm the type of person that I like to know that something will work out before I start it...I know it's dumb but that's how I am. I think that's why I've been having these issues of being super nervous about this, is just because until I get in there and see how it works I won't know what it's going to be like...argh! I went and got my parking pass on Friday, and I expected to have to buy one, but they had free parking just across the lawn from the building I'll be in, so I figured I'd rather walk a little then have to pay just so that I can park right next to the building, I'm not THAT lazy! ;) It was funny though, because there was a girl in the parking building place that you go to get your tag and she was pissed off because she had gotten a ticket I guess for parking in a non parking place. Apparently this is the second ticket for her for parking in the SAME spot! You'd think that you would learn your lesson the first time, but obviously not with this girl. Anyway she was raising her voice and saying how it wasn't fair and all but calling the cops bad names when I stood up to the counter to get my permit and I said loud enough she could hear me..."I'm going to the Police Academy and I need my parking permit." You should have seen the look on her face it was priceless. She was shocked and had that deer in the headlights look then she just shut up and filled out her little appeal paper to try and get out of the ticket. It was pretty funny though.
Today is Elgens birthday party. It should be pretty fun, we're going to have it out at the park on 5th west and center street here in Provo rather than Salem pond like Chelsea's. It just seems a little out of the way for some people and this one is more centralized. Plus it's closer to the apartment so that if there is too many people or something we can just come back here to the apartment and have it. Sheena's parent's came by yesterday and visited for a while and dropped off his presents from them. They gave him a little dog toy that you pull on the string and the dog has little wheels underneath it so it can roll, but it barks and stuff when you pull on the string. He loves that toy! He loves dogs though, it's cute. And then he got a bouncing Tigger, it's cute. He has been playing with both of them for most of the day yesterday and all morning so far today. He's a funny little kid, it doesn't seem like it's been a year already. Like they say though, "Time flies when you're having fun." I sure hope the academy goes by this fast or faster. I'm so ready to just be done with it and get on with a department. Anyway, nothing else to write about really, so I guess I'll go.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
So I got my uniforms ordered and everything on Friday. I couldn't believe how expensive it was. They told me when I registered for the Academy to plan about $350 for uniforms but with my boots, handcuffs, belt and jacket it was like $480! Oh well I guess, I kind of have to have them in order to go right? :) Now I'm just waiting for my student loan to come into my bank account so that I can go pay for the rest of them. My boots that I got are so freaking cool! They had a nice pair of Rocky boots that were cooler but they just felt kind of tight on my feet and I figured it wasn't worth having sore feet just to get the cooler boots. But the ones I got were pretty dang cool anyway. They're like combat boots, but they zip up the side so they're easier to get on which I like. That's what I hated about the Army was the boots were so dang hard to get on. They were just regular old combat boots though, so what could I expect, but these new ones are so nice I can't wait to go pick everything up. I got my handcuffs and case too, which was cool. They are black handcuffs and they look super awesome! I was reading what I need for the second block of the academy and I think it's kind of wierd that we have to provide our own firearm and 1500 rounds of ammo! Luckily I have a pistol, but I don't think it will work good enough, so I'm going to have to try and sell it and get a Glock I think. Plus I priced the ammo and holy crap it's going to be like $400 for that much ammo. I don't understand why you have to pay almost $4000 in tuition to attend the Academy but then you have to supply your own firearm and ammo? That doesn't make much sense to me. I would think that type of thing would be included in your tuition. You'd think that they'd have firearms and ammo that they just issued out to us on the days that we needed them, but whatever I guess. I'll have to try and figure all of that out when I get to that point I guess. I'm still excited though!
Sheena and I went to the Living Planet Aquarium Friday after I got my uniforms ordered. We haven't been to it since it was just the little tiny place up in the Gateway Center. It was pretty dang cool, I think they've put it in an old grocery store or something. It looked like it used to be a Smiths or Albertsons or something I don't know. It was way cool though. Sheena finally pet a Stingray! We sat there and pet them for like 1/2 hour or so. They are so cool, you'd think they would be all slimy, but they almost feel like velvety. They are so friendly though, they kept swimming right up to the side of the pool and poking their noses out at Sheena so she would pet them on their noses. It was pretty cool to see, but of course we forgot the dang camera at home and didn't get any pictures taken. Then we came home, ordered pizza and downloaded some more songs for Rockband and just jammed till like 1:30 in the morning. It was so freakin fun, we had the T.V. cranked! She was singing like crazy, and we were being so silly and acting like such dorks. We're all too good at acting like that though :) Then today we slept in and when we got up we went and took a drive out to the west side of Utah Lake and went shooting my pistol. She wasn't going to shoot but I convinced her to try it and she loved it. She actually did pretty good, she hit the target several times. It was so funny because on the way home she told me "At least I don't close my eyes when I shoot this like I do when I shoot my .270 rifle." I was SHOCKED when she said that she closes her eyes with her rifle! She just said it so matter of fact like and couldn't understand why I was so shocked when I heard that. It was so dang funny, because she's actually a really good shot with her rifle, and to think she's shooting without looking at it. I told her imagine how good you could be if you'd keep them open..she laughed so hard! I think we've had so much fun this weekend, and we still have tonight and tomorrow. I know I've had a blast and I'm so glad to have her in my life, I know that it wouldn't be nearly as exciting or hilarious without that freak in my life. I love her with all of my heart and there is nothing I wouldn't do for that girl. As corny as it sounds she's the light of my life. Sure there are a few rough patches, but show me a relationship that doesn't have that. I wouldn't trade any of the past 6 years of my life for anything.
I gotta run, but I'll write again soon!
Sheena and I went to the Living Planet Aquarium Friday after I got my uniforms ordered. We haven't been to it since it was just the little tiny place up in the Gateway Center. It was pretty dang cool, I think they've put it in an old grocery store or something. It looked like it used to be a Smiths or Albertsons or something I don't know. It was way cool though. Sheena finally pet a Stingray! We sat there and pet them for like 1/2 hour or so. They are so cool, you'd think they would be all slimy, but they almost feel like velvety. They are so friendly though, they kept swimming right up to the side of the pool and poking their noses out at Sheena so she would pet them on their noses. It was pretty cool to see, but of course we forgot the dang camera at home and didn't get any pictures taken. Then we came home, ordered pizza and downloaded some more songs for Rockband and just jammed till like 1:30 in the morning. It was so freakin fun, we had the T.V. cranked! She was singing like crazy, and we were being so silly and acting like such dorks. We're all too good at acting like that though :) Then today we slept in and when we got up we went and took a drive out to the west side of Utah Lake and went shooting my pistol. She wasn't going to shoot but I convinced her to try it and she loved it. She actually did pretty good, she hit the target several times. It was so funny because on the way home she told me "At least I don't close my eyes when I shoot this like I do when I shoot my .270 rifle." I was SHOCKED when she said that she closes her eyes with her rifle! She just said it so matter of fact like and couldn't understand why I was so shocked when I heard that. It was so dang funny, because she's actually a really good shot with her rifle, and to think she's shooting without looking at it. I told her imagine how good you could be if you'd keep them open..she laughed so hard! I think we've had so much fun this weekend, and we still have tonight and tomorrow. I know I've had a blast and I'm so glad to have her in my life, I know that it wouldn't be nearly as exciting or hilarious without that freak in my life. I love her with all of my heart and there is nothing I wouldn't do for that girl. As corny as it sounds she's the light of my life. Sure there are a few rough patches, but show me a relationship that doesn't have that. I wouldn't trade any of the past 6 years of my life for anything.
I gotta run, but I'll write again soon!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Great Awesome News!
Well I got everything back from my financial aid. I got a Pell Grant and I took a small Student Loan. I turned in my application and got accepted into the Police Academy yesterday. I start on September 9th and I can hardly stand it I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time! This Friday I have to go get fitted for my uniforms, so that will be exciting. I also got my MPN for my student loan this morning, I didn't expect it for at least a week. When I talked to the girl at the Financial Aid office, she said that it would probably take at least a week to get all that stuff sent where it needed to go. Well I checked this morning and it was already there. I signed it and everything and it should be here in a few days I'm hoping.
I also e-mailed my boss last night and told him about it and that I was going to have to adjust my schedule a little bit so that I can get the kids picked up and get to school by 5:30 p.m. I basically told him that I was going to the Academy and that I'd be finished in about a year. I was kind of worried that he was going to be upset at the fact that I was going to leave, but he was actually really happy for me. He called me this morning at work and told me that I was a "stud" for following my dreams and bettering myself. I was a little surprised by his reaction, I really thought he'd be upset, but he wasn't.
Anyway, I'm gonna go eat my lunch, but I just thought I'd update anyone who reads this....yeah right.
I also e-mailed my boss last night and told him about it and that I was going to have to adjust my schedule a little bit so that I can get the kids picked up and get to school by 5:30 p.m. I basically told him that I was going to the Academy and that I'd be finished in about a year. I was kind of worried that he was going to be upset at the fact that I was going to leave, but he was actually really happy for me. He called me this morning at work and told me that I was a "stud" for following my dreams and bettering myself. I was a little surprised by his reaction, I really thought he'd be upset, but he wasn't.
Anyway, I'm gonna go eat my lunch, but I just thought I'd update anyone who reads this....yeah right.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Well I'm still waiting to hear back on my financial aid. I did call them today however and they said that they are working on them now, and it should be within the next few days when I should hear back. AARGH! I wish I had known about the whole $35 fee needed to be paid to UVU and NOT the Academy, I would've registered a month ago and gotten all my paperwork in for Pell Grant then, but I was under the impression that I had to pay the $35 to the Academy and so I waited till I was almost done with all my appointments and tests and stuff. So now I get to wait because it's so close to school. I hope it gets taken care of quickly though. I just want to know how much I'm getting so that I can plan accordingly whether or not I need to get a student loan or not.
Anyway, tonight we decided to pass some time by drawing....well attempting to draw. I realized tonight why I haven't ever really drawn people, I CAN'T! I hate it, because I want to draw these pictures Sheena found so bad, but I just can't get it down. I guess I'll keep practicing though and hopefully eventually I'll get it. Anyway, while I was looking through my drawing tablet I found this picture of a catfish I drew that I was going to get tattooed on me a while ago, but never did. I like it, I think it's a cool picture. For my tattoo I was going to put a fish hook in it's mouth though, other than that it was going to look pretty much like this.
I think it would be cool with a background also, like maybe some old license plates or something. And maybe some rocks with a little moss growing on them, who knows.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention something that happened to me this morning. I FELL DOWN THE GOD DAMMED STAIRS! Luckily I only fell down the last 5 or 6. But it was dark, I was tired as hell and it was like 6:00 A.M. and I didn't get to bed till after midnight, plus I didn't sleep good at all last night. SOOO needless to say my day didn't start off on too good of a note. I was grumpy and sore all day. I'm still pretty sore though, but I'll get over it. I have to, I don't have a choice, I have to go to the gym and workout tomorrow and Sat. Then I'll get a day to rest (Sun.) then it's back to my regular schedule. I took today off from the gym, I figured falling down the stairs was a good enough reason to cancel my workout for today. Although I feel really lazy when I don't go to the gym, so I probably should have gone, but I'll make up for today over the next two days. :)
Anyway, I am going to go watch some Olympics I think. Maybe have some ice cream too! Yummy...I'll write again once I have more to write about.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Almost finished....
Well I got my physical today and I can honestly say that it was the EASIEST physical that I have ever had the "pleasure" participating in. It lasted all of about 5 minutes, long enough for the doctor to ask me a couple questions about surgeries and diseases which I've had none of either. Then he listened to my lungs, heart and stomach. He then was trying to think of anything else he could ask me to do and the only thing he could think of was having me squat down and then get back up without using my hands, which was a piece of cake, no problem. So then he signed my paper and I was out of there, lickety split! Woo-Hoo that part is over now! So then because it was over with so fast and we didn't have to pick up the kids for a while, Sheena and I came back to the apartment and I went online and registered with UVU and paid my $35 fee. I then called them and they told me that I should be receiving an e-mail telling me about the financial aid that I applied for. So then once that was over it was only like 3:30 or so. So we decided to go to the bank and have the lady notorize my application for the POST Academy. So she did that, then we went and picked up the kids. After we got them, we went to Wal Mart for groceries and printed off my picture of me that I have to turn in with my application. We got Sheena some clothes then got groceries and came home. I couldn't believe how much we actually got accomplished in such a short amount of time. It was nice to be able to get all of that stuff done and now I don't have to worry about it anymore. So basically the ONLY thing I'm waiting on to see if I can still go to the academy is the financial aid. If I don't get the Pel Grant then I'm going to have to try and get a student loan or something, but I'm going to have to get it done quick because the academy starts on Sept. 9th. I hope that I do qualify for a Pel Grant and that it will cover all my costs. In talking to the guy at the financial aid office, he said that just by looking at my application it looks like I should qualify for one. That would be so freakin nice! So I will probably know Mon. or Tue. about the financial aid and then I can go from there. Either get a hold of Capt. DeMille and set up my appointment to meet with him if my Pel Grant goes through, or try to get a student loan and then meet with him. I just want to wait to find out about the financial part of it before I meet with him. Because once I meet with him, he'll tell me to go get my uniforms and I won't even know if I'm able to go or not, so it's easier to just wait until I find out for sure about the Grant.
Well I've kind of rambled on I guess, but I'm just so excited that I got all that crap done today. I didn't think I'd be able to get it all done till mid next week at the soonest. But I also didn't think my physical would be over so quickly. It was a very eventfull afternoon. And best of all we got to take off from work at 2:00 and still got our full 40 hours for the week. I planned ahead and didn't take lunch a couple days to make up the hours. See I DO use my head for something other than holding my ears apart, like my dad always says to me.
Sheena looks super HOTT in her new clothes. She looks good anyway, but she looked really really good today when I saw her in her new "diggs". It's hard to not look good when you already look as good as she does! I'm so excited, tomorrow we have to head down to Sanpete to go to her little sisters b-day party. But I think we're going to drop her present off and then try to get back to my parents house quickly because my mom agreed to take the two rugrats for the night and then we'd meet them Sun. and pick them up. It will be SO nice to get a night to hang out with Sheena and hopefully do something fun. We have quite a bit left over from our paychecks and I think we will probably do something. We haven't really done much of anything as of late. My entire life away from work has consisted of getting all this stuff done for the academy. And plus once I start the academy I'm really not going to have much time with her or the kids. Basically Mon.-Fri. I'm going to be going non stop from about 5:30 a.m until about 9:00 p.m. I have to work my normal job until about 4:30 then I have to hurry and go pick up the kids take them and Sheena home, get changed and get to the academy by 5:30 p.m. where I'll be until 9:00 p.m. Then on Sat. I will be at the academy from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. So basically my only free time with the kids and Sheena will be Sat. nights and Sunday. But I'll have to be studying for a better part of that time, so who knows. I know I'm going to be going on some ride alongs also with some officers, so that's bound to cut into my family time as well. AARGH! The sacrifices are so small though when I compare them to the big picture and the end reward. It's going to be a rough 9-10 months or so, but we have a strong marriage and a stronger love for one another ( I hope she does anyway :s ) that I know we'll be fine. My kids will understand hopefully. Poor Elgen he'll be so small and I'm going to have to miss a lot of his "firsts" I'm sure, but what do you do? There really isn't a whole lot that I can do about it. I need to do this for them as well as myself. I need to prove it to myself as well as EVERYONE who thinks that I'll never do it that I can and will do this and I will succeed. I'm done having people not believe in me. All I can say is just wait and see. It seems like it's forever away 10 months! But I'm sure once I get in there and am so busy with work and the academy that time will fly! I sure hope so, I want to be done with it already, I can hardly stand it. I keep seeing Provo City police cruisers all over and I keep imagining myself driving one of them. I keep telling Sheena that I would LOVE to have one of the new Dodge Chargers for my patrol car, but I highly doubt that I would get one. I'm sure where I'll be the FNG I will get the older kind of crappy car, but I dont' care. A Police cruiser is a Police cruiser for me, I'll just be happy to be a cop!
Anyway, I better end this now. I could ramble on like this forever it seems sometimes. I'll update you once I know anything.
Well I've kind of rambled on I guess, but I'm just so excited that I got all that crap done today. I didn't think I'd be able to get it all done till mid next week at the soonest. But I also didn't think my physical would be over so quickly. It was a very eventfull afternoon. And best of all we got to take off from work at 2:00 and still got our full 40 hours for the week. I planned ahead and didn't take lunch a couple days to make up the hours. See I DO use my head for something other than holding my ears apart, like my dad always says to me.
Sheena looks super HOTT in her new clothes. She looks good anyway, but she looked really really good today when I saw her in her new "diggs". It's hard to not look good when you already look as good as she does! I'm so excited, tomorrow we have to head down to Sanpete to go to her little sisters b-day party. But I think we're going to drop her present off and then try to get back to my parents house quickly because my mom agreed to take the two rugrats for the night and then we'd meet them Sun. and pick them up. It will be SO nice to get a night to hang out with Sheena and hopefully do something fun. We have quite a bit left over from our paychecks and I think we will probably do something. We haven't really done much of anything as of late. My entire life away from work has consisted of getting all this stuff done for the academy. And plus once I start the academy I'm really not going to have much time with her or the kids. Basically Mon.-Fri. I'm going to be going non stop from about 5:30 a.m until about 9:00 p.m. I have to work my normal job until about 4:30 then I have to hurry and go pick up the kids take them and Sheena home, get changed and get to the academy by 5:30 p.m. where I'll be until 9:00 p.m. Then on Sat. I will be at the academy from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. So basically my only free time with the kids and Sheena will be Sat. nights and Sunday. But I'll have to be studying for a better part of that time, so who knows. I know I'm going to be going on some ride alongs also with some officers, so that's bound to cut into my family time as well. AARGH! The sacrifices are so small though when I compare them to the big picture and the end reward. It's going to be a rough 9-10 months or so, but we have a strong marriage and a stronger love for one another ( I hope she does anyway :s ) that I know we'll be fine. My kids will understand hopefully. Poor Elgen he'll be so small and I'm going to have to miss a lot of his "firsts" I'm sure, but what do you do? There really isn't a whole lot that I can do about it. I need to do this for them as well as myself. I need to prove it to myself as well as EVERYONE who thinks that I'll never do it that I can and will do this and I will succeed. I'm done having people not believe in me. All I can say is just wait and see. It seems like it's forever away 10 months! But I'm sure once I get in there and am so busy with work and the academy that time will fly! I sure hope so, I want to be done with it already, I can hardly stand it. I keep seeing Provo City police cruisers all over and I keep imagining myself driving one of them. I keep telling Sheena that I would LOVE to have one of the new Dodge Chargers for my patrol car, but I highly doubt that I would get one. I'm sure where I'll be the FNG I will get the older kind of crappy car, but I dont' care. A Police cruiser is a Police cruiser for me, I'll just be happy to be a cop!
Anyway, I better end this now. I could ramble on like this forever it seems sometimes. I'll update you once I know anything.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Well it's been a while since I've posted so I guess I'll write something. I have my physical tomorrow for the Police Academy...yee-haw! No, it's not going to be anything bad. For god's sake I went through the Army's physical, so I know there is NOTHING that bad! I just hate going to the doctor, but oh well it's not going to take too long and before I know it I'll be finished with it. It's stupid though, since I don't have insurance I have to pay $60 up gay is that? I guess that's just one of the "luxuries" of not having insurance available from my job. That's actually one of the reasons that I'm going through the Police Academy. I want to be able to have insurance...good insurance.....for my wife and kids. Especially with Chelsea starting Kindergarten this year. That's not the only reason for me going though, otherwise that would be kind of wierd. No, I've always wanted to be a cop, considering my dad was in Law Enforcement for nearly 40 years, I've kind of "grown" into it I guess. I'll be making quite a bit more money and plus the whole job security thing too. I could go pretty much anywhere and get a job if I needed to. I hope that I can get on with Provo City and I like it. That way I'd just stay there till it was time to retire. Which brings me to my next reason for going through, retirement. I don't have that where I work now and I really think it's an important thing to plan for.
Well along with Sheena I've given up soda this whole last week. I have been drinking so much freakin water it's insane. I never thought anyone could drink as much water as I've been drinking over the past week. I am constantly having to go pee, but I do feel quite a bit better so far. I'm hoping that by cutting out soda I can lose more weight than if I was still drinking soda. I haven't been as dilligent this week for going to the gym as I have been for the last month and a half. I just haven't been able to get a decent nights sleep this whole week and so it's been nearly impossible to get up at 5:30 A.M. to get ready to go. I am going tomorrow morning and Sat. morning though no matter how tired I am. I have to at least get a few days in or else I'll really feel like crap. I've felt extra chubby this whole week because I haven't been going like I should have been.
Well, for anyone who reads this blog, as cheesy as it sounds, keep me in your prayers. I am going to need help with the academy at first I'm sure, so I could use all the extra prayers and "I'm pulling for you" that I can get.
I'm going to go get Chelsea, and get her ready for bed, so I guess I'll write again another time.
Well along with Sheena I've given up soda this whole last week. I have been drinking so much freakin water it's insane. I never thought anyone could drink as much water as I've been drinking over the past week. I am constantly having to go pee, but I do feel quite a bit better so far. I'm hoping that by cutting out soda I can lose more weight than if I was still drinking soda. I haven't been as dilligent this week for going to the gym as I have been for the last month and a half. I just haven't been able to get a decent nights sleep this whole week and so it's been nearly impossible to get up at 5:30 A.M. to get ready to go. I am going tomorrow morning and Sat. morning though no matter how tired I am. I have to at least get a few days in or else I'll really feel like crap. I've felt extra chubby this whole week because I haven't been going like I should have been.
Well, for anyone who reads this blog, as cheesy as it sounds, keep me in your prayers. I am going to need help with the academy at first I'm sure, so I could use all the extra prayers and "I'm pulling for you" that I can get.
I'm going to go get Chelsea, and get her ready for bed, so I guess I'll write again another time.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Well I haven't written in here for a few days so I figured I'd better get it done before Sheena told me that I needed to and I got in trouble ;) Not a whole lot has happened that I can think of to write about really. How sad is that? I did get my driving record for the academy though, so now all I need to do is get my physical paper signed by a doctor and get a hold of UVU and pay my $30 fee then go meet with Captain DeMille on the 11th and I should be good to go. I also need to find out about my financial aid, whether I am approved and if so for how much. I'm really hoping that I can get financing for the academy so i don't have to take out a student loan, but I guess if I have to then I have to right? At least I can put off paying it off till I graduate. And by then I'll be making pretty dang good money so I would be able to pay for it no problem. It seems like a lot of things to do, but it really isn't that bad. I've got all month to get it done, so I should be fine.
I was thinking the other day that I'm going to be in pretty awesome shape once I'm done with the academy, whether I like it or not really. I'm going to be attending for about 10 months and I'll have P.T. about 2-3 times a week for 10 months. I'm just so excited cause it means that I will finally be able to get rid of my chub that I hate and want gone. I've been working really hard at the gym to get it gone, and I have lost almost 30lbs but I just honestly don't see that much of a difference for it being 30lbs gone, but whatever I guess. Sheena keeps telling me that she notices a difference, but I don't see it. But I believe her, and I know she wouldn't say something if it wasn't true....or I hope not at least cause that would be sad. But I'm so excited to see what I look like when I'm done with the academy. Sheena really won't be able to keep her hands off me, especially once I'm in uniform...ha ha ha.
So yesterday we went and bought the kids some shoes. We got Elgen a pair of shoes, because he hasn't been able to wear the ones we bought him a long time ago for a while now. His feet are to chubby to fit into them. He has pretty big feet too though. I couldn't believe it when we got a pair that would actually fit him and it was a size 4! He's not even 1 year old yet. But if he's anything like me or his sister then he'll have big feet. Chelsea is another story all together, I hope she keeps getting taller because that way she'll grow into her feet. She just barely turned 5 and we had to buy her a size 10! Her shoes are really cute though, but she has to wait till school starts to wear them otherwise she'll have them ruined in a week. It sucks cause they're so cute and they look so cute on her, but oh well I guess she'll have to wait. She's so excited for school, it's kind of stressful but I'm really excited for her to go. She's going to have so much fun and she's going to learn so much so fast, she is such a little sponge. And it helps that she LOVES to learn new things. Kindergarten starts on August 26th, so we still have a little while to get the last minute things that she needs. We still need to get her a backpack and a few more outfits. She did get some clothes for her birthday so that was nice and she looks really cute in them. She is growing up so fast it's crazy. It's hard to believe that she starts school this month. It makes me feel REALLY old!
Well I guess that's about it for now, I'll write again once I have something to write about.
I was thinking the other day that I'm going to be in pretty awesome shape once I'm done with the academy, whether I like it or not really. I'm going to be attending for about 10 months and I'll have P.T. about 2-3 times a week for 10 months. I'm just so excited cause it means that I will finally be able to get rid of my chub that I hate and want gone. I've been working really hard at the gym to get it gone, and I have lost almost 30lbs but I just honestly don't see that much of a difference for it being 30lbs gone, but whatever I guess. Sheena keeps telling me that she notices a difference, but I don't see it. But I believe her, and I know she wouldn't say something if it wasn't true....or I hope not at least cause that would be sad. But I'm so excited to see what I look like when I'm done with the academy. Sheena really won't be able to keep her hands off me, especially once I'm in uniform...ha ha ha.
So yesterday we went and bought the kids some shoes. We got Elgen a pair of shoes, because he hasn't been able to wear the ones we bought him a long time ago for a while now. His feet are to chubby to fit into them. He has pretty big feet too though. I couldn't believe it when we got a pair that would actually fit him and it was a size 4! He's not even 1 year old yet. But if he's anything like me or his sister then he'll have big feet. Chelsea is another story all together, I hope she keeps getting taller because that way she'll grow into her feet. She just barely turned 5 and we had to buy her a size 10! Her shoes are really cute though, but she has to wait till school starts to wear them otherwise she'll have them ruined in a week. It sucks cause they're so cute and they look so cute on her, but oh well I guess she'll have to wait. She's so excited for school, it's kind of stressful but I'm really excited for her to go. She's going to have so much fun and she's going to learn so much so fast, she is such a little sponge. And it helps that she LOVES to learn new things. Kindergarten starts on August 26th, so we still have a little while to get the last minute things that she needs. We still need to get her a backpack and a few more outfits. She did get some clothes for her birthday so that was nice and she looks really cute in them. She is growing up so fast it's crazy. It's hard to believe that she starts school this month. It makes me feel REALLY old!
Well I guess that's about it for now, I'll write again once I have something to write about.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Test Results Are In!!
Well I got home from work today and the testing center up at UVU called me and told me that they had my test results in. They asked me if I wanted them to mail them to me or did I want to come by and pick them up. Of course I said that I'd come up there and pick them up. There is no way that I could have waited for them to get here in the mail. I'd be going crazy wondering whether or not I passed. So I tried to convince Sheena that she didn't need to come with and drag the kids up there and everything, but obviously that wasn't going to fly with her. She INSISTED that she come along with. So we gathered up the kids and loaded them in the car and headed up to UVU. When I got there and started walking in to get my results I started to get a little nervous and kinda sick to my stomach. I know it sounds kind of blown out of proportion but I was getting worried. I got them and immediately opened them up to see what I got and I was so freakin excited when I saw that I got a 96% overall! I couldn't believe it. I tried to act like I didn't pass or that I didn't know yet while walking back to the car in an attempt to trick Sheena. When I got in the car I just tossed the envelope to her and she opened it up and started crying! She was so excited and it's kinda cool to see someone get so excited for me to do something. She said she was so proud of me for doing it and proving all these people that don't believe in me wrong. I love it when I get the chance to do that, prove people wrong when they think you can't do something. Anyway, so now all I still have to do is get my driving record (probably tomorrow) and get a physical (probably Fri.) Then I have to go have my interview with Capt. DeMille hopefully sometime next week. Then once THAT is all done I have to get a hold of the financial aid people and see if I do qualify for a Pel Grant or what. That's really the only thing now that can stop me from going in Sept. If I don't get financial help then I don't know if I'll be able to go this Sept. The only other option would be a student loan and I'm not sure how long that would take to see if I could get one or if I could even qualify for one. I really hope that after going through all this crap that something stupid like financing doesn't stand in my way. We'll just have to see I guess, but I'm going to keep a positive attitude until I'm given a reason to think otherwise.
So Sheena and I bought 5 lottery tickets today for the Power Ball tomorrow. I don't know if we'll win anything or not but hey, it was only $10 and if not then no big loss. But we were looking at the winnings and it's insane how much money you can win, you don't necessarily have to win the power ball to win decent money. If we won the power ball I would probably have a freakin heart attack! I don't' know how I would handle having that much money all of the sudden seriously. Well I am not going to get too excited until I read that I won! I'm keeping a positive attitude that way hopefully I can "will" some good luck to me right ;) Anyway, I gotta go eat dinner, but I just wanted to update everyone that was reading this blog that I passed my test and I'm that much closer to getting everything done for the academy. YAAY for me!
So Sheena and I bought 5 lottery tickets today for the Power Ball tomorrow. I don't know if we'll win anything or not but hey, it was only $10 and if not then no big loss. But we were looking at the winnings and it's insane how much money you can win, you don't necessarily have to win the power ball to win decent money. If we won the power ball I would probably have a freakin heart attack! I don't' know how I would handle having that much money all of the sudden seriously. Well I am not going to get too excited until I read that I won! I'm keeping a positive attitude that way hopefully I can "will" some good luck to me right ;) Anyway, I gotta go eat dinner, but I just wanted to update everyone that was reading this blog that I passed my test and I'm that much closer to getting everything done for the academy. YAAY for me!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
So I sold my snake. It's kind of sad, but I think it's a good thing afterall. I don't really have the time to spend with him right now and I know once I start the academy I REALLY won't have the time. I didn't think it was fair to the snake as cheesy as that sounds, because he wasn't getting the attention that he needed. The guy that bought him from me is actually a cop also. I was talking to him and he went through the academy at UVSC (or UVU, whichever) about 3 years ago. He was talking to me for about an hour or so about the different things that go on while your there. I'm actually more excited now than I was before about going after talking to him. He told me a lot of things that I had no idea about, but it was cool. I'm actually going on a ride along with him either this weekend or next weekend. He works for Santaquin Police but he lives in Payson. He was a pretty cool guy, and he told me that if I had any questions while I was going to the academy then I could call him anytime and he'll talk to me about it. I thought that was pretty cool of him. He came over with his family to pick up the snake and his family seemed like a pretty neat family. I don't worry about whether or not they'll take care of the snake, I know that they will give the snake a lot of attention which makes me feel good about it.
I'm working on my running endurance now at the Gym. Talking to that guy the other day he informed me to work on my endurance rather than my time. He said that they're usually pretty good about the Physical part of the academy. They'll help you if you need it, so that's good. I read online that the best way to build running endurance the fastest was to jog for a few minutes then walk for a few minutes, then jog, then walk. The article said that if you just jog and jog and jog then you won't really work up your endurance very well. For whatever reason it seems to build up faster if you jog and walk. So that's what I'm doing. I am just increasing my jogging time compared to my walking time each day, so I think I'll be fine.
I'm kinda getting a little stressed about getting all my stuff done that I need to get done in time. I still have to get a copy of my driving record, my birth certificate and a physical. Probably the most stressful thing is that I have to do all that stuff before I can find out about the financial aid. I just hope that it all works out and I'm able to get financing for the whole thing. I think I can probably get all that done in a weeks time, but it's just kind of stressful is all. I am still a little in disbelief that it's actually happening. I've thought about doing this whole Police thing for several years off and on and now it's actually happening so it's kind of cool. I can't wait to get everything figured out and go get my uniforms and handcuffs and things. I'm trying not to get too excited but it's hard not too.
Well that's all I can really think of writing about today so I guess I'll end it. I'll write more later if I can think of anything interesting or worth writing down.
I'm working on my running endurance now at the Gym. Talking to that guy the other day he informed me to work on my endurance rather than my time. He said that they're usually pretty good about the Physical part of the academy. They'll help you if you need it, so that's good. I read online that the best way to build running endurance the fastest was to jog for a few minutes then walk for a few minutes, then jog, then walk. The article said that if you just jog and jog and jog then you won't really work up your endurance very well. For whatever reason it seems to build up faster if you jog and walk. So that's what I'm doing. I am just increasing my jogging time compared to my walking time each day, so I think I'll be fine.
I'm kinda getting a little stressed about getting all my stuff done that I need to get done in time. I still have to get a copy of my driving record, my birth certificate and a physical. Probably the most stressful thing is that I have to do all that stuff before I can find out about the financial aid. I just hope that it all works out and I'm able to get financing for the whole thing. I think I can probably get all that done in a weeks time, but it's just kind of stressful is all. I am still a little in disbelief that it's actually happening. I've thought about doing this whole Police thing for several years off and on and now it's actually happening so it's kind of cool. I can't wait to get everything figured out and go get my uniforms and handcuffs and things. I'm trying not to get too excited but it's hard not too.
Well that's all I can really think of writing about today so I guess I'll end it. I'll write more later if I can think of anything interesting or worth writing down.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Not another PLATEAU!!
Well I think I've hit a plateau in my workout. I weighed myself today and I'm at 300lbs even. I was only 302lbs like a week ago. I guess I need to step up the cardio again and maybe switch up my excercises huh? I hate these stupid plateau's but I know that they are very common while trying to lose weight. It get's so hard sometimes to get the "umph" to get up and get going, but i know that these are the most critical times and they are they times when you HAVE to push through. I know that I'll break through and hit another great weight loss in probably about a weeks time, but it's hard to see the scale staying the same. I guess being a pessimist I could say "hey at least the scale is staying where it is instead of going up" right? I just hate working my butt off and then not seeing a difference in the weight. But I know it will happen and I'll get to where I wanna be. I know that if by the time I get into the Police Academy I'm not completely where I want to be weight loss wise I will get there very quickly while attending it. So as long as I can get close then I'm good I think. I just keep crossing my fingers and hoping for the strength to do what I need to do and just keep thinking that things are going to work out.
We watched this show over the weekend about this girl who got a boob job and Sheena said that she wants to get that done. She mentioned it a few years ago but nothing ever materialized from it. I think it would be freaking awesome if she got that done, but it's scary to think about her having surgery. I told her that if it was something that she really wanted to do then I'd support her like I try to do in everything that she wants to do. Today she was asking me how big she should get them...let's just say that I'm probably not the right person to ask this question to. I LOVE breasts and I think the bigger the better (up to a certain point, otherwise it's kind of gross if they're too big.) So we'll see what happens with this new adventure in our life. I love that this kind of stuff seems to be happening just because I enjoy "flying by the seat of my pants" sometimes and it's fun that she feels the same way. By no means are we ever EVER going to take away from our children by doing things such as this, but it's a cool thing to think about maybe happening sometime in the near future.
On a completely unrelated note, I found out that I have to wait 7-10 days to get my results from my entrance exam that I took last Thur. And to make matters worse they MAIL them out to everyone. Who does that anymore in today's day and age with all the technology that we have available. I don't understand why they can't e-mail them to us, but whatever I guess. So I'll be getting everything else done in the meantime. I found out today that a copy of my High School transcript will work instead of my diploma (which burned up) so that's good. I just need to schedule an appointment and go get a physical done (woo-hoo...not), get my driving record and a copy of my birth certificate and I'll be set. So my list of things to do is definately getting smaller but it's still a lot to get done. Oh well, I'll get it done in time I'm sure.
Well I gotta get back to work I suppose, but I'll keep everyone...yeah right, like anyone reads MY blog :( ......updated on how things are going.
We watched this show over the weekend about this girl who got a boob job and Sheena said that she wants to get that done. She mentioned it a few years ago but nothing ever materialized from it. I think it would be freaking awesome if she got that done, but it's scary to think about her having surgery. I told her that if it was something that she really wanted to do then I'd support her like I try to do in everything that she wants to do. Today she was asking me how big she should get them...let's just say that I'm probably not the right person to ask this question to. I LOVE breasts and I think the bigger the better (up to a certain point, otherwise it's kind of gross if they're too big.) So we'll see what happens with this new adventure in our life. I love that this kind of stuff seems to be happening just because I enjoy "flying by the seat of my pants" sometimes and it's fun that she feels the same way. By no means are we ever EVER going to take away from our children by doing things such as this, but it's a cool thing to think about maybe happening sometime in the near future.
On a completely unrelated note, I found out that I have to wait 7-10 days to get my results from my entrance exam that I took last Thur. And to make matters worse they MAIL them out to everyone. Who does that anymore in today's day and age with all the technology that we have available. I don't understand why they can't e-mail them to us, but whatever I guess. So I'll be getting everything else done in the meantime. I found out today that a copy of my High School transcript will work instead of my diploma (which burned up) so that's good. I just need to schedule an appointment and go get a physical done (woo-hoo...not), get my driving record and a copy of my birth certificate and I'll be set. So my list of things to do is definately getting smaller but it's still a lot to get done. Oh well, I'll get it done in time I'm sure.
Well I gotta get back to work I suppose, but I'll keep everyone...yeah right, like anyone reads MY blog :( ......updated on how things are going.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Well I did it. I went and took my Entrance exam for the Police Academy yesterday. I studied really hard all last week and over the weekend and I definately think it paid off. I honestly wouldn't be a bit surprised if I Aced the whole thing. How freakin awesome would that look for me when I meet with the POST advisor. When I got there to take the test I was talking with a few of the people there and they were taking it for like their 3rd or 4th time. They had failed it each time they had taken it up until yesterday. I was starting to worry that maybe my studying wouldn't help me out after all. But then as soon as I saw the test booklet I knew that I had studied the right stuff. It looked exactly like the study guide, picture on the cover and all. So I breezed through the test and when we finished I honestly thought to myself "how the hell could anyone not pass this?" I'll feel really stupid if I don't pass now. I'm not worried about it though, I have NEVER taken a test and felt that good about it afterwards. Not even when i was in college at Snow College. I always felt kind of uneasy when I finished my tests down there, but not this time. Like I said earlier I honestly feel like I very easily could have Aced that whole thing. I think if I did miss any questions that the most I could have missed would've been maybe two. I can't think of any other questions that I was a little unsure about. Most of them were really basic, common knowledge type questions. But the way I figured is if someone can't pass this test by the third time, then maybe law enforcement isn't exactly the right career field for them you know what I mean? It's kind of a scary thought that there is someone out there armed with a gun and having as much authority as an officer does and they can't even figure out what 50 x 2.5 is? The crappiest part of the whole thing is that I have to wait at least a week and a half until I get my results back. I know I'll pass but I wanna know how well I did on the whole thing. In the meantime while waiting for my test results I'm going to be getting a copy of my diploma, my driving record and my birth certificate. Then once I get my results back I can go get my physical done at work med and then I think that's about it and I'll be all ready. How exciting is that!? I can't believe that it's actually happening, it's always just been something in the future that I would someday like to do, but now it's here and it's kinda wierd.
On a different note, last week I had to read about how "bad I am for Sheena" from one of her so called friends. Honestly I am so sick and tired of hearing people that don't like me for whatever reason tell Sheena that I'm a bad person and I'm abusive and controlling. It's ridiculous and anyone that truly knows the REAL me knows that I'm nothing like that. Now I'm the first to admit that I'm not perfect and I do have some issues, but honestly who doesn't have issues at some point in their life? I don't think they are anything that warrants people calling me an abusive husband by no means. It used to really bother me and offend me when Sheena's mom would constantly say things like that about me, but I'm over it. The way I figure is if they ever took the time to get to know me then they would obviously see that I'm nothing like that. But they're too immature and childish to ever take the time to get to know me so all they know is the issues that I had and they seem to just focus in on those and don't ever let them go. I don't know why it's so hard for people to grasp the concept that people can and do change. So that put a damper on my good mood for a few days, but I realized that this so called "friend" is a nobody and she's not even worth mentioning her name. I wasn't going to let her effect me and make it harder for me to concentrate on getting ready for my test. She's a petty worthless person who is miserable for whatever reason and she can't stand to see anyone else actually happy so she feels the need to drag others down to her level. I honestly DO wish that this girl and Sheena's mom would've taken the time and put in the effort to actually get to know me for me, but they obviously didn't and they don't seem to want to now so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. I'm happier than I ever thought I could be with Sheena and I know she feels the same because she's told me so, on many occasions. We've had our "rough patches" but what marriage hasn't had an occasional bump in the road right? We'd never grow or evolve if everything was perfect all the time. I think we have a very strong relationship and a stronger marriage and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world. So basically in a nut shell Sheena's mom and this other girl can just keep on thinking whatever they wanna think about me, because the people that matter to me in my life know the real me and know I'm nothing like this so called "monster" that I've been portrayed as.
On a different note, last week I had to read about how "bad I am for Sheena" from one of her so called friends. Honestly I am so sick and tired of hearing people that don't like me for whatever reason tell Sheena that I'm a bad person and I'm abusive and controlling. It's ridiculous and anyone that truly knows the REAL me knows that I'm nothing like that. Now I'm the first to admit that I'm not perfect and I do have some issues, but honestly who doesn't have issues at some point in their life? I don't think they are anything that warrants people calling me an abusive husband by no means. It used to really bother me and offend me when Sheena's mom would constantly say things like that about me, but I'm over it. The way I figure is if they ever took the time to get to know me then they would obviously see that I'm nothing like that. But they're too immature and childish to ever take the time to get to know me so all they know is the issues that I had and they seem to just focus in on those and don't ever let them go. I don't know why it's so hard for people to grasp the concept that people can and do change. So that put a damper on my good mood for a few days, but I realized that this so called "friend" is a nobody and she's not even worth mentioning her name. I wasn't going to let her effect me and make it harder for me to concentrate on getting ready for my test. She's a petty worthless person who is miserable for whatever reason and she can't stand to see anyone else actually happy so she feels the need to drag others down to her level. I honestly DO wish that this girl and Sheena's mom would've taken the time and put in the effort to actually get to know me for me, but they obviously didn't and they don't seem to want to now so I'm not going to worry about it anymore. I'm happier than I ever thought I could be with Sheena and I know she feels the same because she's told me so, on many occasions. We've had our "rough patches" but what marriage hasn't had an occasional bump in the road right? We'd never grow or evolve if everything was perfect all the time. I think we have a very strong relationship and a stronger marriage and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything in the world. So basically in a nut shell Sheena's mom and this other girl can just keep on thinking whatever they wanna think about me, because the people that matter to me in my life know the real me and know I'm nothing like this so called "monster" that I've been portrayed as.
Friday, July 11, 2008
This weekend.....and other stuff too!
Well I guess my mom is taking our kids for the weekend. Sheena got a call from her earlier today and my mom asked Sheena if she could come pick up the kids Sat. morning and take them down to the family reunion then keep them til Sun. evening. I obviously didn't argue, I mean I love my kids, but a weekend without them every now and then is sure a nice treat. It hasn't happened very often, so now that it's happening I have absolutely no clue what to do with Sheena. I would like to do something fun, but it just seems like everything is so freaking expensive and not really worth what you have to pay you know? I'm sure we'll figure something out, just the fact that we will have a night without them will be good enough even if we don't go out and do anything different. I miss them when they're gone, but it sure is nice once in a while to get a little break from both of them and have some "us" time. Like I said, it's been so long since Sheena and I have had the opportunity to actually have a weekend to ourselves that I don't even remember what it's like ;)
I can't really think of any movie that is in the theater that I would like to see either. There are only a few that I can think of off the top of my head and I think all but one of them are movies that I'd rather wait and take Chelsea to like Wall-E. I'm sure Sheena wouldn't argue with going and seeing that new Angelina Jolie move "wanted". Sheena absolutely lusts after Angelina Jolie, I can't say as though I blame her though...yummy! Sheena has told me on many occasions that she would totally "do" her....I laugh inside whenever I think of that. How cool of a thing to say eh? Those are the only two movies I can think of that are out now that I would really want to see. We'll just have to see if they are playing anywhere and don't cost an arm and a leg just to get in. Who knows if all else fails we can stay home and watch porn right? Just kidding by the way Sheena....unless that IS what you wanna do hehehehehe ;)
So I'm reading these books for the Police Academy and so far they are basically just going over grammar and things like that. They are talking a lot about writing reports and different things like that where grammar plays a part in Police work. I'm having a hard time staying awake right now to read them. I'm sure it's mainly because I have been to the gym and am tired. I'm really sore today too, which is wierd. Maybe I pushed myself a little too hard yesterday who knows. I'll be fine though. Like they told us in the Army, "Pain is only weakness leaving the body!" How true that statement is. It sucked hearing it at the time because you knew you were in for something that wasn't going to be any fun at all. I'm still way excited for the academy, I can hardly stand it. I hope all goes well with it, and I'm able to do everything that I need to do in order to graduate. How cool would it be to graduate in the top of my class? I would freaking love that! The one thing I keep thinking to myself when I start to get a little worried about the academy is that at least I get to come home every night. When I was in basic training for the Army I was in Oklahoma so obviously coming home each night was NOT a possibility. Not like they would let you go home anyway even if you lived close by. But with the academy it's only in Orem, so I'll go to work, then after work I'll head up there till 9:00 PM each night and then head home. Knowing that I get to go home each night will make it that much easier to deal with the crap that they give us or the stress that comes with it I think.
Well I'm going to go now, but I figured I'd write a quick note in here touching on a few things that came to mind while reading those study guides. It's almost time to go home...yaaay it's Friday!
I can't really think of any movie that is in the theater that I would like to see either. There are only a few that I can think of off the top of my head and I think all but one of them are movies that I'd rather wait and take Chelsea to like Wall-E. I'm sure Sheena wouldn't argue with going and seeing that new Angelina Jolie move "wanted". Sheena absolutely lusts after Angelina Jolie, I can't say as though I blame her though...yummy! Sheena has told me on many occasions that she would totally "do" her....I laugh inside whenever I think of that. How cool of a thing to say eh? Those are the only two movies I can think of that are out now that I would really want to see. We'll just have to see if they are playing anywhere and don't cost an arm and a leg just to get in. Who knows if all else fails we can stay home and watch porn right? Just kidding by the way Sheena....unless that IS what you wanna do hehehehehe ;)
So I'm reading these books for the Police Academy and so far they are basically just going over grammar and things like that. They are talking a lot about writing reports and different things like that where grammar plays a part in Police work. I'm having a hard time staying awake right now to read them. I'm sure it's mainly because I have been to the gym and am tired. I'm really sore today too, which is wierd. Maybe I pushed myself a little too hard yesterday who knows. I'll be fine though. Like they told us in the Army, "Pain is only weakness leaving the body!" How true that statement is. It sucked hearing it at the time because you knew you were in for something that wasn't going to be any fun at all. I'm still way excited for the academy, I can hardly stand it. I hope all goes well with it, and I'm able to do everything that I need to do in order to graduate. How cool would it be to graduate in the top of my class? I would freaking love that! The one thing I keep thinking to myself when I start to get a little worried about the academy is that at least I get to come home every night. When I was in basic training for the Army I was in Oklahoma so obviously coming home each night was NOT a possibility. Not like they would let you go home anyway even if you lived close by. But with the academy it's only in Orem, so I'll go to work, then after work I'll head up there till 9:00 PM each night and then head home. Knowing that I get to go home each night will make it that much easier to deal with the crap that they give us or the stress that comes with it I think.
Well I'm going to go now, but I figured I'd write a quick note in here touching on a few things that came to mind while reading those study guides. It's almost time to go home...yaaay it's Friday!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I'm in such a good mood today. I've recently witnessed Sheena's "coming out", and I've FINALLY got my study guide for the Police Academy. It all seems like it's real now, it's kind of scary but I'm excited.
I was worried that Sheena was going to kill me when she read that I posted about her being bi-sexual, but I was pleasantly surprised when not only she commented on my post that she wasn't mad but then she went ahead and posted her own blog stating the exact same thing! How freakin lucky am I? I've got what pretty much every man in America wants, a wife who is not only faithful to him 100% but she's bi-sexual and likes girls too! I've got the best of both worlds some could say. She and I have talked about it a few times over the past few days about her recent admission. She says that she feels really liberated to finally come out and admit that she was like that. I think it's awesome not only for the OBVIOUS reason but more than that it's because I like to see her be truly happy and I knew she was keeping something "buried" for all these years. She said that she was worried how her friends would take the news. Then she said that if they were true friends then they'd still be her friends regardless of her sexual preference. I totally agree with her on that note. Then to her excitement one of her newer friends ( this girl that works in the same business complex as us) named Cali e-mailed her and told her that she thought it was so cool that Sheena had the guts to admit that. She said that Sheena was "rad", which made her feel good obviously. Anyway I'm excited and I can't wait to see where the future leads us in this "endeavor" :)
Now about the Academy, I finally got my study guide and started reading it. It's really mostly pretty basic knowledge. In fact in the book it says that most of "law enforcement" is common knowledge. I took one of the little pre-tests that is in one of the study guides and only missed one question. It's the guide to the test that I have to take prior to applying for the academy. I know for a fact that I'll have no problem passing that. It was pretty basic stuff like Grammar, Math and Reading Comprehension, and fortunately I'm pretty good at all of those things. I also got in contact today with the guy who's kind of in charge of the Academy at UVSC and he told me a little bit more information that I didn't know but was happy to hear. He said that they usually are able to get everyone in the academy that puts in there application. He told me not to worry about it and just get my stuff done, like the test and studying and then get a hold of him when I'm ready to go interview with him for the academy. I didn't know there was an interview for it, but I am assuming that it's basically just to find out why you're going and what your goals and stuff are, who knows... I also found out that there is no physical requirements to go to the academy, the only requirements are the ones when you graduate. So by then I KNOW I'll be in good enough shape to pass everything.
When I went to the gym this morning I tried the 1.5 mile run on the treadmill. I'm supposed to be able to run it in 15:54. After not running for about 4 years I was able to do 1.25 miles in the alloted time. So I think with a couple weeks training and conditioning I'll be fine. I can do almost all the push-ups and almost all the sit-ups. The only thing I'm still unclear on is the vertical jump. You have to be able to jump like 16 inches or something. I dont' know if it's a running jump or just standing still. I could EASILY do it if it's a running jump, but if I have to stand still then I will have to work on it some more for sure. I can't imagine why you wouldn't want a running jump considering while being an officer when would you need to just stand there and jump. If you needed to jump you'd be chasing someone and you'd be running. We'll have to just wait and see on that one as well I guess.
Anyway, I wanna knock on wood cause life seems to be falling into place really well right now. Sheena is happier now then I think she's EVER been in our marraige (I think alot of it has to do with her recent "thing") I'm getting closer to getting in the academy. We're both losing weight and feeling better about ourselves. I think that one has probably the biggest impact on our marraige. When both people feel good about themselves and aren't constantly making fat comments about them it makes it so much easier for the other person to be happy. Plus working out always makes us happy. I am just super excited that things seem to be going really well and I don't think that I've ever been this happy in a long time. Sheena's new admission I think was the thing that just sent it over the top though. She's so much more fun to be around now that she's not constantly worrying about what other people are thinking about her. She has also started to "check herself out" in the mirror and stuff, commenting to me how she's "hot" and stuff. It's such an awesome thing and it really makes me........well let's just say "happy". You can take that last word however you want ;)
I was worried that Sheena was going to kill me when she read that I posted about her being bi-sexual, but I was pleasantly surprised when not only she commented on my post that she wasn't mad but then she went ahead and posted her own blog stating the exact same thing! How freakin lucky am I? I've got what pretty much every man in America wants, a wife who is not only faithful to him 100% but she's bi-sexual and likes girls too! I've got the best of both worlds some could say. She and I have talked about it a few times over the past few days about her recent admission. She says that she feels really liberated to finally come out and admit that she was like that. I think it's awesome not only for the OBVIOUS reason but more than that it's because I like to see her be truly happy and I knew she was keeping something "buried" for all these years. She said that she was worried how her friends would take the news. Then she said that if they were true friends then they'd still be her friends regardless of her sexual preference. I totally agree with her on that note. Then to her excitement one of her newer friends ( this girl that works in the same business complex as us) named Cali e-mailed her and told her that she thought it was so cool that Sheena had the guts to admit that. She said that Sheena was "rad", which made her feel good obviously. Anyway I'm excited and I can't wait to see where the future leads us in this "endeavor" :)
Now about the Academy, I finally got my study guide and started reading it. It's really mostly pretty basic knowledge. In fact in the book it says that most of "law enforcement" is common knowledge. I took one of the little pre-tests that is in one of the study guides and only missed one question. It's the guide to the test that I have to take prior to applying for the academy. I know for a fact that I'll have no problem passing that. It was pretty basic stuff like Grammar, Math and Reading Comprehension, and fortunately I'm pretty good at all of those things. I also got in contact today with the guy who's kind of in charge of the Academy at UVSC and he told me a little bit more information that I didn't know but was happy to hear. He said that they usually are able to get everyone in the academy that puts in there application. He told me not to worry about it and just get my stuff done, like the test and studying and then get a hold of him when I'm ready to go interview with him for the academy. I didn't know there was an interview for it, but I am assuming that it's basically just to find out why you're going and what your goals and stuff are, who knows... I also found out that there is no physical requirements to go to the academy, the only requirements are the ones when you graduate. So by then I KNOW I'll be in good enough shape to pass everything.
When I went to the gym this morning I tried the 1.5 mile run on the treadmill. I'm supposed to be able to run it in 15:54. After not running for about 4 years I was able to do 1.25 miles in the alloted time. So I think with a couple weeks training and conditioning I'll be fine. I can do almost all the push-ups and almost all the sit-ups. The only thing I'm still unclear on is the vertical jump. You have to be able to jump like 16 inches or something. I dont' know if it's a running jump or just standing still. I could EASILY do it if it's a running jump, but if I have to stand still then I will have to work on it some more for sure. I can't imagine why you wouldn't want a running jump considering while being an officer when would you need to just stand there and jump. If you needed to jump you'd be chasing someone and you'd be running. We'll have to just wait and see on that one as well I guess.
Anyway, I wanna knock on wood cause life seems to be falling into place really well right now. Sheena is happier now then I think she's EVER been in our marraige (I think alot of it has to do with her recent "thing") I'm getting closer to getting in the academy. We're both losing weight and feeling better about ourselves. I think that one has probably the biggest impact on our marraige. When both people feel good about themselves and aren't constantly making fat comments about them it makes it so much easier for the other person to be happy. Plus working out always makes us happy. I am just super excited that things seem to be going really well and I don't think that I've ever been this happy in a long time. Sheena's new admission I think was the thing that just sent it over the top though. She's so much more fun to be around now that she's not constantly worrying about what other people are thinking about her. She has also started to "check herself out" in the mirror and stuff, commenting to me how she's "hot" and stuff. It's such an awesome thing and it really makes me........well let's just say "happy". You can take that last word however you want ;)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Pretty Exciting Discovery!
So today I was thinking about losing the weight I want to lose before the Police Academy and I got curious so Sheena and I sat down and pulled up Google. We looked at a few different products that are out there that help with weight loss. But for some reason this one in particular stood out to us. Sheena clicked on the link and we got to reading about the product and it sounded pretty good. So we found a testimonial page with before and after pictures on it and it was just flabbergasting (what a word eh?) the pictures and stories of these people that are using this product. The product is an all natural herbal weight loss pill that is guaranteed to make you lose at least 35 pounds in one months time! How insane would that be?! So after reading through all the material we could find about this product we decided that we'd order some and split it. We each will have just under a months worth (about a half a week less than a month). I'm so excited to get it and try it. Some of those stories were absolutely amazing, almost to the point where you don't know whether or not to believe it. But then you look at the pictures and you can easily see that it is in fact the same person and they look amazingly different from before they started taking this product.
If I lost the 35lbs in one month I would be so excited. I figured it out today in my head while I was working that I have about 1 3/4 months till the Police Academy starts. So if I can lose the 35lbs a month I would have one full month and then another 3/4 month to use it. So if I could lose let's say 45lbs I would start the Police Academy weighing in at a lean mean 260lbs! I would be in the best shape of my life! I would look so ripped, Sheena wouldn't be able to keep her sexy little hands off me. She was saying that if she could lose 40lbs then she'd be almost the same size she was when we started dating (yummy!) I remember how much happier with herself she was then. I think she is super sexy now, but I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like having her all slim and sexy like when we were dating. Talk about not being able to keep MY hands off her. I can't do that as it stands now, imagine how it's going to be when she's all tiny again! YAAY! I'm so dang excited, I really hope it all works out like it should.
While I was reading about this product I noticed that a lot of the people that lost a bunch of weight weren't really excercising too much and they still had amazing results. Sheena and I go to the gym everyday before work and then I go alone on Sat. So I'm going 6 days a week and she's going 5. So we should get awesome results I think. Also the people talked about how they had to start eating healthy and quit eating fast food and junk all the time. Well Sheena and I already have a leg up on that too. We NEVER eat fast food anymore, and we hardly ever get a snack either. We eat really healthy food and we live a very healthy lifestyle.
I'm so super excited to get this product and try it out. I have been using Riccor for a while now and I've gotten great results they've just been taking a long time to get. I'm kinda looking for something that with my dedication and "umph" can give me results a little quicker. If this product works out I think Sheena and I will probably quit the Riccor program just because we pay $40/month for that and if this other works better than we'll just apply that $40 towards buying this other stuff. Nothing against the Riccor stuff, it's awesome stuff and it's helped SO many people. But I just think that if this other herbal program works better than I'll stick with it instead. I'm also going to try this new one out for a month and then if I've gotten great results I'm going to refer my two sisters to it. They've both been struggling with weight loss for quite some time and I think they'd be happier if they could shed a few pounds not to mention that they'd be healthier and stick around for a while longer. My brother in law might use it if he sees a difference in me. He's bigger than I am, and I know he wants to lose weight I just think he's gotten to a point that he thinks it's impossible so why try. I've been there before, so I can totally relate. But if he really wants to lose it, he'll give it a try and hopefully it will work out for him.
On a completely different but somewhat related note I guess. I am the luckiest guy in the world I've decided. I've always known that I was lucky to have Sheena as my wife but over the past few days I've seen it in a whole new light. She's probably going to kill me when she reads this but oh well :) I think she's finally come to grips with the fact that she's bi-sexual or bi-curious whichever you want to say. This was the COOLEST thing I've heard her say by far! I always knew she was kinda that way but she's started dressing like it, acting like it and it's freakin awesome! She told me last night that once she got to the point (weight wise) that she wanted to be then she thought it would be cool for us to go to a club and find some hot chick and take her home with us, I about fainted! That was probably the SECOND COOLEST thing I've heard her say ;) Well she's going to be embarrassed and hopefully not mad at me for saying that, but she's the one that tells me to start writing and just write whatever comes to mind, so there you have it. Plus, the way that I figure and I think she's finally gotten to this point, why hide who you really are and why try to pretend to be something your not. Who cares what other people think of you or the way that you feel or act you know? "Power to the Lesbians Sheena!" :P I think it's freaking awesome and not only for the obvious reason. I just think that it's really cool that in today's judgemental world she's finally not afraid to show her true self and just be "her". She's been such a cool person to hang around with ever since she's started acting this way. She doesn't seem to care too much about what other people think of her as much anymore and that's a huge turn on to me. Whether or not anything materializes from this whole "bi" thing or not, I think the thought that it's always a possibility is just as hot sometimes.
Well I can't believe that I just wrote about that, hopefully I'm not in trouble with her. If so then she'll probably kill me and this will be my last post on here. So if you don't hear from me for quite a while, then apparently she got angry and killed me :) I'll update you with more about the new weight loss program as I get more info about it.
If I lost the 35lbs in one month I would be so excited. I figured it out today in my head while I was working that I have about 1 3/4 months till the Police Academy starts. So if I can lose the 35lbs a month I would have one full month and then another 3/4 month to use it. So if I could lose let's say 45lbs I would start the Police Academy weighing in at a lean mean 260lbs! I would be in the best shape of my life! I would look so ripped, Sheena wouldn't be able to keep her sexy little hands off me. She was saying that if she could lose 40lbs then she'd be almost the same size she was when we started dating (yummy!) I remember how much happier with herself she was then. I think she is super sexy now, but I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like having her all slim and sexy like when we were dating. Talk about not being able to keep MY hands off her. I can't do that as it stands now, imagine how it's going to be when she's all tiny again! YAAY! I'm so dang excited, I really hope it all works out like it should.
While I was reading about this product I noticed that a lot of the people that lost a bunch of weight weren't really excercising too much and they still had amazing results. Sheena and I go to the gym everyday before work and then I go alone on Sat. So I'm going 6 days a week and she's going 5. So we should get awesome results I think. Also the people talked about how they had to start eating healthy and quit eating fast food and junk all the time. Well Sheena and I already have a leg up on that too. We NEVER eat fast food anymore, and we hardly ever get a snack either. We eat really healthy food and we live a very healthy lifestyle.
I'm so super excited to get this product and try it out. I have been using Riccor for a while now and I've gotten great results they've just been taking a long time to get. I'm kinda looking for something that with my dedication and "umph" can give me results a little quicker. If this product works out I think Sheena and I will probably quit the Riccor program just because we pay $40/month for that and if this other works better than we'll just apply that $40 towards buying this other stuff. Nothing against the Riccor stuff, it's awesome stuff and it's helped SO many people. But I just think that if this other herbal program works better than I'll stick with it instead. I'm also going to try this new one out for a month and then if I've gotten great results I'm going to refer my two sisters to it. They've both been struggling with weight loss for quite some time and I think they'd be happier if they could shed a few pounds not to mention that they'd be healthier and stick around for a while longer. My brother in law might use it if he sees a difference in me. He's bigger than I am, and I know he wants to lose weight I just think he's gotten to a point that he thinks it's impossible so why try. I've been there before, so I can totally relate. But if he really wants to lose it, he'll give it a try and hopefully it will work out for him.
On a completely different but somewhat related note I guess. I am the luckiest guy in the world I've decided. I've always known that I was lucky to have Sheena as my wife but over the past few days I've seen it in a whole new light. She's probably going to kill me when she reads this but oh well :) I think she's finally come to grips with the fact that she's bi-sexual or bi-curious whichever you want to say. This was the COOLEST thing I've heard her say by far! I always knew she was kinda that way but she's started dressing like it, acting like it and it's freakin awesome! She told me last night that once she got to the point (weight wise) that she wanted to be then she thought it would be cool for us to go to a club and find some hot chick and take her home with us, I about fainted! That was probably the SECOND COOLEST thing I've heard her say ;) Well she's going to be embarrassed and hopefully not mad at me for saying that, but she's the one that tells me to start writing and just write whatever comes to mind, so there you have it. Plus, the way that I figure and I think she's finally gotten to this point, why hide who you really are and why try to pretend to be something your not. Who cares what other people think of you or the way that you feel or act you know? "Power to the Lesbians Sheena!" :P I think it's freaking awesome and not only for the obvious reason. I just think that it's really cool that in today's judgemental world she's finally not afraid to show her true self and just be "her". She's been such a cool person to hang around with ever since she's started acting this way. She doesn't seem to care too much about what other people think of her as much anymore and that's a huge turn on to me. Whether or not anything materializes from this whole "bi" thing or not, I think the thought that it's always a possibility is just as hot sometimes.
Well I can't believe that I just wrote about that, hopefully I'm not in trouble with her. If so then she'll probably kill me and this will be my last post on here. So if you don't hear from me for quite a while, then apparently she got angry and killed me :) I'll update you with more about the new weight loss program as I get more info about it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My scale MUST be broken!! :)
So I've been using this program that my boss Rock Draper formulated to lose weight for about two and a half months now. He lost 120 lbs in 8 months using this program so I figured what the heck, why not give it a try. Lord knows that I've tried just about every other diet "fad" out there and had little to no success. I've used the "Enforma System", "Alli", "Hydroxycut" just to name a few. I never really lost much weight with those programs and I always felt jittery whenever I used them, so naturally I ended up not taking them anymore. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the worst one of all, the nasty "Heart Healthy Soup Diet" which did make you lose weight but only because you couldn't eat anything other than that disgusting soup all day, every day!
Then I got this awesome job working for this really cool guy named Rock Draper! He told me about his struggle to lose weight for so long and about this new product that he had used to lose 100+ lbs in 8 months. I was excited to try it but of course I was very skeptical as well just because of all my failures at losing weight up to this point. I figured I wasn't going to be any worse off if I tried it so I figured what the heck and gave it a go. Well at first I couldn't stomach the taste of the Green Drink, so it was difficult to follow the program. The FUEL drink was great but I just couldn't get that Green Drink down often enough to make it do what it's supposed to do. After a few weeks of not drinking the drink as often as I should have been I finally just decided that I was going to "choke it down" even if it killed me! Well after drinking 3-4 glasses of it a day it's not so bad now. I drink the Green Drink and the FUEL religiously and go to the gym 6 days a week before work (p.s. Rock, we've switched gyms so I can go home and shower before coming to work, so you don't need to worry about me stinking anymore :) )
Well starting out on this program I weighed in at just a snitch over 328lbs and when I stood on the scale this morning I about fell off. I couldn't believe that I had lost as much weight as I had. The scale measured an amazing 301 lbs! I thought to myself that this was only in two months time, imagine how much I could lose if I stayed on this program for another 2 months! Needless to say, I WILL stay on this program and continue to lose the weight that I've been struggling with for the better part of 10 years. Thank you Rock for your inspiring words and your continued motivation. It sometimes seems like you are just as excited as I am when I call you and tell you how much weight I've lost. You've given me a new look on life and I know now that I don't have to just live with being an overweight person for the rest of my life, THANKS!!
Then I got this awesome job working for this really cool guy named Rock Draper! He told me about his struggle to lose weight for so long and about this new product that he had used to lose 100+ lbs in 8 months. I was excited to try it but of course I was very skeptical as well just because of all my failures at losing weight up to this point. I figured I wasn't going to be any worse off if I tried it so I figured what the heck and gave it a go. Well at first I couldn't stomach the taste of the Green Drink, so it was difficult to follow the program. The FUEL drink was great but I just couldn't get that Green Drink down often enough to make it do what it's supposed to do. After a few weeks of not drinking the drink as often as I should have been I finally just decided that I was going to "choke it down" even if it killed me! Well after drinking 3-4 glasses of it a day it's not so bad now. I drink the Green Drink and the FUEL religiously and go to the gym 6 days a week before work (p.s. Rock, we've switched gyms so I can go home and shower before coming to work, so you don't need to worry about me stinking anymore :) )
Well starting out on this program I weighed in at just a snitch over 328lbs and when I stood on the scale this morning I about fell off. I couldn't believe that I had lost as much weight as I had. The scale measured an amazing 301 lbs! I thought to myself that this was only in two months time, imagine how much I could lose if I stayed on this program for another 2 months! Needless to say, I WILL stay on this program and continue to lose the weight that I've been struggling with for the better part of 10 years. Thank you Rock for your inspiring words and your continued motivation. It sometimes seems like you are just as excited as I am when I call you and tell you how much weight I've lost. You've given me a new look on life and I know now that I don't have to just live with being an overweight person for the rest of my life, THANKS!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Another Day at the Gym...
So we went to the gym again today, it's starting to get routine again which is a good thing. Sheena still is really stubborn to get up in the morning, but I just drag her out. She's not very happy with me first thing, but usually by the time we leave for the gym she's awake and not mad anymore. She is one of the deepest sleepers I've ever seen. The other day I was trying to wake her up to go to the gym and she was snoring. I reached over and grabbed her arms and lifted them up. I lifted them far enough that her head lifted off the pillow so you'd think she'd wake up right.......wrong! I couldn't believe it she just kept on snoring so loud it was so dang funny! I was kinda upset cause she wouldn't get up but I couldn't help but laugh just because it was so dang funny. Anyway, we obviously didn't go to the gym that day, I think that was Monday. So we've been going since Tue. and I feel pretty good.
Today we used the elyptical machines and I normally don't like them, in fact I hate them. Every other time we went to the gym in Spanish Fork and Sheena wanted to use them I dreaded it because they made my legs hurt really bad and I couldn't go for very long before my thighs were burning too bad and I had to stop. Well today was a different story. I think I must be in better shape now then I was when we used to go to the Spanish Fork gym. I was on the machine today for 40 minutes and I could've gone for another 1/2 hour easy. My legs didn't hurt this time and I felt pretty good while using it. I feel like I got a good workout today, I got really good cardio and then we lifted weights for about 15 minutes or so. I worked my arms and chest today. Tomorrow I'll work my abs and that's probably all I'll do other than the normal cardio. Every other day I do 1/2 hour cardio and then about 15-25 minutes of lifting weights. I usually just work my upper body because my lower body gets a workout while doing cardio. Then the alternate days that I'm not doing upper body I do 45 minutes cardio and then work my abs for about 15 minutes. I feel like I am doing a good job and I think it's working, I sure feel better that's for sure. I am still at 306lbs, so I'm still at 20lbs so far. I hope I start losing some more weight soon. I will freak out when I get under the 300lb mark, the last time I was under 300lbs was when I went into the Army 5 1/2 years ago. I think I'm in better shape now then I was then, even though I weigh more, how wierd is that. My arms are really starting to show some good definition in them and my chest is starting to flatten out and show a little definition.
My parents are coming up tomorrow to go dinner with Sheena, Me, my sister and her husband. It will be fun, it's been a long time since Sheena and I have been out to dinner, even with the kids. We're taking them with, Sheena is excited to take Elgen with because we havent' taken him anywhere yet. We haven't been "out to eat" in a long time anyway, which is a good thing, that's helping with the weight loss I know it. We're going to Chuck O Rama which is always a good place to go, they have really good, healthier food. I think we might be going fishing afterwards also. I'm pretty sure that my dad will want to go, he hasn't been in a while and now that the catfish are biting he LOVES to go fishing for them. But that's fine with me, I'm always and I mean always game for fishing! It doesn't matter what kind of fish we're going for, I love to go it's so much fun.
Well anyway, gotta run. I'm sure I'll write more again tomorrow. This has turned out to be a lot more fun then I originally thought it was going to be. It's kind of nice to be able to write my thoughts down and not have to use paper and a pen. Plus it is a nice place for me to keep a workout journal if nothing else. I know they say that people who are trying to lose weight are more successful when they keep a journal. So I guess we'll see, hopefully that rings true!
Today we used the elyptical machines and I normally don't like them, in fact I hate them. Every other time we went to the gym in Spanish Fork and Sheena wanted to use them I dreaded it because they made my legs hurt really bad and I couldn't go for very long before my thighs were burning too bad and I had to stop. Well today was a different story. I think I must be in better shape now then I was when we used to go to the Spanish Fork gym. I was on the machine today for 40 minutes and I could've gone for another 1/2 hour easy. My legs didn't hurt this time and I felt pretty good while using it. I feel like I got a good workout today, I got really good cardio and then we lifted weights for about 15 minutes or so. I worked my arms and chest today. Tomorrow I'll work my abs and that's probably all I'll do other than the normal cardio. Every other day I do 1/2 hour cardio and then about 15-25 minutes of lifting weights. I usually just work my upper body because my lower body gets a workout while doing cardio. Then the alternate days that I'm not doing upper body I do 45 minutes cardio and then work my abs for about 15 minutes. I feel like I am doing a good job and I think it's working, I sure feel better that's for sure. I am still at 306lbs, so I'm still at 20lbs so far. I hope I start losing some more weight soon. I will freak out when I get under the 300lb mark, the last time I was under 300lbs was when I went into the Army 5 1/2 years ago. I think I'm in better shape now then I was then, even though I weigh more, how wierd is that. My arms are really starting to show some good definition in them and my chest is starting to flatten out and show a little definition.
My parents are coming up tomorrow to go dinner with Sheena, Me, my sister and her husband. It will be fun, it's been a long time since Sheena and I have been out to dinner, even with the kids. We're taking them with, Sheena is excited to take Elgen with because we havent' taken him anywhere yet. We haven't been "out to eat" in a long time anyway, which is a good thing, that's helping with the weight loss I know it. We're going to Chuck O Rama which is always a good place to go, they have really good, healthier food. I think we might be going fishing afterwards also. I'm pretty sure that my dad will want to go, he hasn't been in a while and now that the catfish are biting he LOVES to go fishing for them. But that's fine with me, I'm always and I mean always game for fishing! It doesn't matter what kind of fish we're going for, I love to go it's so much fun.
Well anyway, gotta run. I'm sure I'll write more again tomorrow. This has turned out to be a lot more fun then I originally thought it was going to be. It's kind of nice to be able to write my thoughts down and not have to use paper and a pen. Plus it is a nice place for me to keep a workout journal if nothing else. I know they say that people who are trying to lose weight are more successful when they keep a journal. So I guess we'll see, hopefully that rings true!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
So today was the second day that we've been going to the new gym. I love going, it's so much fun. Today we used the treadmills and they were awesome! They have the screen on them like all the other machines, but they have a digital touch screen for the "workings" of the machine. It's got different displays that you can use, it's got a virtual trainer on it. The only thing that sucks about them is the channel changer for the t.v. doesn't have any number buttons, so you have to flip through all the channels to get where you want. No big deal though, especially considering how cool everything else is on them. I love going to the gym in the morning before work, we then go home shower and get ready for work. I feel so much better when I go to the gym. It helps me get going for the day and all day I can't help but be in a good mood. I'm looking forward to seeing my progress in a month and a half!
My boss is going on a vacation this friday and will be gone for a week and a half. I haven't seen him since last Wed. I think it was. Anyway, by the time he gets back from his vacation and comes down here to see us it will have been probably about 3 weeks since I will have seen him. I am going to kick it in the butt this next 3 weeks and try to lose a bunch of weight so that when he comes back he notices a big difference. It's cool how excited he gets when he sees that Sheena and I are losing weight. He loves to see others lose weight like he did, which is way cool!
I'm starting to worry myself about being able to get physically ready for the academy in Sept. But I guess if all else fails and I'm not ready to go or can't make it then I can just go the next block in March. I would much rather go in Sept though, just to get it out of the way and get things going! I'm still very motivated and I think that I can pull it off. I know it's going to be hard, but I think I'll be alright. I have to go get my study guide this weekend and get studying. I'm sure it's going to be a lot of information to try and absorb at once, so I would like to be as prepared as I can be.
This weekend should be fun. We're going to have quite a bit more left over this paycheck and my parents wanted to get together for dinner or something Fri. night. So that should be pretty fun. Plus having money is always fun, it lets you do fun things! I love money, I hate spending it but I love having it, how wierd is that. Who knows, we might even get some fishing in this weekend. I guess it all depends on the weather though, and Sheena's mood. If she doesn't want to go I could always go by myself again, I just would rather go with her. It's so much more fun to have someone else with you. That way if you catch a nice fish or something then you've got someone else there to kind of 'brag' about your fish to. Plus it's always nice just to have someone to talk to. It gets pretty boring when your sitting there by yourself.
I think that Sheena is mad at me today for some reason. I don't know though. I know she's frustrated with a few things, which I don't really know why or what they are. I think that our life is going really really well right now. Things seem to be going our direction (knock on wood). I know her sinuses are bothering her, but other than that I don't know what it could be. I know she thought that I snapped at her this morning, but I was just frustrated with KSL's website and didn't mean to sound pissed off. I told her that, but I don't know if she believed me or not. I hope she's not mad, I hate it when she's like that. I like it so much more when she's happy and laughing and in a good mood. She's been in a great mood for a while now, but it just seems like today she's starting to slip and get awnry. Oh well I guess, I will try to cheer her up. It usually works pretty good! :)
Well I'm going to get back to work I guess.
My boss is going on a vacation this friday and will be gone for a week and a half. I haven't seen him since last Wed. I think it was. Anyway, by the time he gets back from his vacation and comes down here to see us it will have been probably about 3 weeks since I will have seen him. I am going to kick it in the butt this next 3 weeks and try to lose a bunch of weight so that when he comes back he notices a big difference. It's cool how excited he gets when he sees that Sheena and I are losing weight. He loves to see others lose weight like he did, which is way cool!
I'm starting to worry myself about being able to get physically ready for the academy in Sept. But I guess if all else fails and I'm not ready to go or can't make it then I can just go the next block in March. I would much rather go in Sept though, just to get it out of the way and get things going! I'm still very motivated and I think that I can pull it off. I know it's going to be hard, but I think I'll be alright. I have to go get my study guide this weekend and get studying. I'm sure it's going to be a lot of information to try and absorb at once, so I would like to be as prepared as I can be.
This weekend should be fun. We're going to have quite a bit more left over this paycheck and my parents wanted to get together for dinner or something Fri. night. So that should be pretty fun. Plus having money is always fun, it lets you do fun things! I love money, I hate spending it but I love having it, how wierd is that. Who knows, we might even get some fishing in this weekend. I guess it all depends on the weather though, and Sheena's mood. If she doesn't want to go I could always go by myself again, I just would rather go with her. It's so much more fun to have someone else with you. That way if you catch a nice fish or something then you've got someone else there to kind of 'brag' about your fish to. Plus it's always nice just to have someone to talk to. It gets pretty boring when your sitting there by yourself.
I think that Sheena is mad at me today for some reason. I don't know though. I know she's frustrated with a few things, which I don't really know why or what they are. I think that our life is going really really well right now. Things seem to be going our direction (knock on wood). I know her sinuses are bothering her, but other than that I don't know what it could be. I know she thought that I snapped at her this morning, but I was just frustrated with KSL's website and didn't mean to sound pissed off. I told her that, but I don't know if she believed me or not. I hope she's not mad, I hate it when she's like that. I like it so much more when she's happy and laughing and in a good mood. She's been in a great mood for a while now, but it just seems like today she's starting to slip and get awnry. Oh well I guess, I will try to cheer her up. It usually works pretty good! :)
Well I'm going to get back to work I guess.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
So here we go again. Well I went to the gym again on Sat. morning. I love that gym up on 9th east, it's so nice. Well I have put a couple pounds back on dang it all anyway. I think it's because I'm not sick anymore, so now I'll have to really watch myself and stay dedicated. I'm at 309lbs. which is still freakin awesome, I'll take it for now. My ab muscles hurt so bad today though. I really worked them hard on Sat. and I've paid for it all day today. It hurts when I laugh, bend over too far, cough, pretty much anything that has to do with my torso. Oh well, like the old addage goes, "no pain, no gain" right?! :)
I'm looking forward to getting up and going again tomorrow before work. I talked to Sheena about it and we're going to drop the kids off at 6 a.m. then drive up to the gym on 9th east and work out from about 6:15 to 7:15. We're going to get a good hour in anyway. Then we'll head back here to the apartment and shower quickly then head to work by 8:30. We used to go to the gym in Spanish Fork, but we never had the opportunity to shower afterwards so it was kinda gross. This way we'll get to workout in the new gym and shower, so it's a win, win. I'm starting to get nervous about whether or not I'm going to be able to make the physical part of the academy in time, but I can't worry about it now. I just have to stay focused and keep commited to this and it will happen I just know it!
Sheena decided to try and do a body wrap tonight. I got to wrap her up in cloth, it was pretty wierd. The stuff that she rubbed on herself looked like poo. It seriously looked like she laid in a big steaming pile of poo and then wrapped herself up in cloths. It didn't stink or anything, it just looked really gross! She's up in the bathtub right now letting it sit then she'll shower to get it off her. I hope it works, or else she'll be disappointed. I don't know how it will work, but it's worth a shot I suppose.
Anyway, gotta run get Chelsea to bed, but I thought I'd write a quick note in here. Talk to you later!!
I'm looking forward to getting up and going again tomorrow before work. I talked to Sheena about it and we're going to drop the kids off at 6 a.m. then drive up to the gym on 9th east and work out from about 6:15 to 7:15. We're going to get a good hour in anyway. Then we'll head back here to the apartment and shower quickly then head to work by 8:30. We used to go to the gym in Spanish Fork, but we never had the opportunity to shower afterwards so it was kinda gross. This way we'll get to workout in the new gym and shower, so it's a win, win. I'm starting to get nervous about whether or not I'm going to be able to make the physical part of the academy in time, but I can't worry about it now. I just have to stay focused and keep commited to this and it will happen I just know it!
Sheena decided to try and do a body wrap tonight. I got to wrap her up in cloth, it was pretty wierd. The stuff that she rubbed on herself looked like poo. It seriously looked like she laid in a big steaming pile of poo and then wrapped herself up in cloths. It didn't stink or anything, it just looked really gross! She's up in the bathtub right now letting it sit then she'll shower to get it off her. I hope it works, or else she'll be disappointed. I don't know how it will work, but it's worth a shot I suppose.
Anyway, gotta run get Chelsea to bed, but I thought I'd write a quick note in here. Talk to you later!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Well I figured I had a few minutes so I would write in this again. Sheena would get mad at me if I didn't keep it up. ;) I'm still on track with losing weight to get ready to go through the police academy. I stepped on the scale this morning and about fell off. I am down to 306lbs, which I know to some may sound really bad still, but for me it's awesome. I started out at 326lbs about a month and a half ago, so if that helps put it into perspective. I'm really proud of myself and I have a TON of motivation now. It always helps when you can actually see results instead of working your butt off and not seeing any progress. It's very easy to get discouraged and give up, but dang it all anyway, Im not giving up this time! I've been drinking that nasty green drink like crazy and the yummy chocolate meal replacement drink too. I've cut my soda down to one can a day, and most days I don't have ANY, which is obviously helping the situation.
I decided to start going to the Golds Gym in Provo instead of the Spanish Fork one. I love it, it's so much better than the Spanish Fork one. It's awesome, on all of their treadmills and bikes they have little 15 inch HDTV screens mounted on the front of them. It's awesome because they've got the bigger T.V.'s on the wall, but then there is the little ones on the machine that you can plug your headphones into and change the channels and stuff. Their T.V.'s also have cable so you can watch different shows instead of whatever they've got programmed on the big screens. It's kind of stupid to get so excited over something like a T.V. but it's pretty cool. Plus they've got the Cardio Cinema thing. It's a new room that has the cardio machines in it and on the outside they have what movie they're showing on the wall by the door like a movie theater. That room is usually pretty busy though, so I just stay out on the bikes and watch my own little T.V.
The other day I went to pick up the kids with Sheena from daycare and our daycare provider was talking to Sheena about weight loss and she told her that I lost 20lbs so far. Lynn (our daycare lady) asked Sheena how much I weighed and she told her that I was down to 306lbs. Lynn couldn't believe that I weighed that much. She told Sheena that her husband was a LOT bigger than I was and he only weighed 320lbs. So that made me feel good. I guess maybe I wear it well I don't know:) Sheena is always telling me that I don't look like I weigh what I do, but it's just one of those things that I have a hard time believing. Not that I don't believe her, but it's just one of those things that I sometimes think maybe she says to make me feel better about myself. I know that she says she doesn't do that, but sometimes it's kinda wierd to hear that I look good. I've never been told that I was "hot" so I guess maybe it's just something that I'll have to get used to. I know that I do have a lot of muscle and they always say that muscle weighs more than fat (which is true) so maybe I'm just super buff ;) I'm a dork, but seriously I think that I must have a lot of muscle because I look at other guys who are the same weight as I am and I don't look anywhere near as fat as they do. A perfect example is my boss, he lost all the weight but before he did he was as big as I was. He weighed about 325lbs and to look at him, he looked like he weighed that. But I look at his pictures of when he weighed that much and I don't look anything like that. So who knows why it is, but all I know is that I look pretty good for as heavy as I am. I can't wait till I lose the rest of the weight so that I can see what kind of muscle structure I've got going on under this chubby shell! Sheena won't be able to keep her hands off me once I lose the weight. She says she can't as it is now, but I don't know how much there is to that. Again, not cause I think she's lying it's just one of those things I guess.
Man oh man have I been sick for the past week! Saturday night I started to get stomach cramps really bad and then Sunday it just got worse. I pretty much just laid around on Sunday and I had the "trots" too, so it wasn't fun. Well Monday I woke up and still felt like crap so I took the day off and just kinda nursed myself. Sheena was sick too, so we just hung out together at home feeling crappy together. Then Tuesday I felt fine, so I came back to work. Well shortly after getting here I started to feel like crap again still trotting too :) Anyway, this continued on clear up until yesterday (Thursday). I don't know what the heck it was but wow it was terrible. I feel fine now, and I'm so excited to get back to the gym. I haven't dared go to the gym the past week with the way I was feeling, so it will be good to get back into the swing of things.
I'm so dang nervous about the Police Academy it's crazy. I am having issues with the fact that if I'm able to lose the weight and get in shape in time then I won't be able to pass the written part of it. I know I'm just psyching myself out and I need to quit doing it. I always have a tendancy to do this type of thing to myself when I'm trying to achieve something I hate it. I think I'll be alright and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to do it, but it's still kinda nerve racking. Sheena has always been more than supportive throughout our relationship, but even more so with this. I know she just wants to see me succeed and that's awesome. I don't get too many people in my life that not only support me but actually WANT me to do good, so it's a welcome change.
Speaking of Sheena, she is the most wonderful wife that I could've ever asked for. She's always good for comic relief and she doesn't mind being the 'butt' of the jokes with me. I like to tease her, but that's only cause she takes it so well, and well I'll be honest she IS quite an easy target. I love her more than anything in this world. I honestly never thought that I could love someone as much as I love her! I also have two of the best children in the entire world. Elgen and Chelsea are such good kids. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be blessed with three of the best people in the world that love me. Sheena sometimes tells me that she wishes that I would do sweet little things like I used to. I love doing those things, but part of the reason I don't do them as often is I don't know what to do. I kind of ran out of ideas, so that's a lot of why they don't happen as often they used to. I used up all my ideas while we were dating, so when I think of one, I do it. I hope that she knows that I love her more and more with every day, and that she means the world to me.
Well, I guess that's about all that I can think of to write about this time. So I guess I'll take off and I'll write again in a day or so, or when I think of something else to talk about.
I decided to start going to the Golds Gym in Provo instead of the Spanish Fork one. I love it, it's so much better than the Spanish Fork one. It's awesome, on all of their treadmills and bikes they have little 15 inch HDTV screens mounted on the front of them. It's awesome because they've got the bigger T.V.'s on the wall, but then there is the little ones on the machine that you can plug your headphones into and change the channels and stuff. Their T.V.'s also have cable so you can watch different shows instead of whatever they've got programmed on the big screens. It's kind of stupid to get so excited over something like a T.V. but it's pretty cool. Plus they've got the Cardio Cinema thing. It's a new room that has the cardio machines in it and on the outside they have what movie they're showing on the wall by the door like a movie theater. That room is usually pretty busy though, so I just stay out on the bikes and watch my own little T.V.
The other day I went to pick up the kids with Sheena from daycare and our daycare provider was talking to Sheena about weight loss and she told her that I lost 20lbs so far. Lynn (our daycare lady) asked Sheena how much I weighed and she told her that I was down to 306lbs. Lynn couldn't believe that I weighed that much. She told Sheena that her husband was a LOT bigger than I was and he only weighed 320lbs. So that made me feel good. I guess maybe I wear it well I don't know:) Sheena is always telling me that I don't look like I weigh what I do, but it's just one of those things that I have a hard time believing. Not that I don't believe her, but it's just one of those things that I sometimes think maybe she says to make me feel better about myself. I know that she says she doesn't do that, but sometimes it's kinda wierd to hear that I look good. I've never been told that I was "hot" so I guess maybe it's just something that I'll have to get used to. I know that I do have a lot of muscle and they always say that muscle weighs more than fat (which is true) so maybe I'm just super buff ;) I'm a dork, but seriously I think that I must have a lot of muscle because I look at other guys who are the same weight as I am and I don't look anywhere near as fat as they do. A perfect example is my boss, he lost all the weight but before he did he was as big as I was. He weighed about 325lbs and to look at him, he looked like he weighed that. But I look at his pictures of when he weighed that much and I don't look anything like that. So who knows why it is, but all I know is that I look pretty good for as heavy as I am. I can't wait till I lose the rest of the weight so that I can see what kind of muscle structure I've got going on under this chubby shell! Sheena won't be able to keep her hands off me once I lose the weight. She says she can't as it is now, but I don't know how much there is to that. Again, not cause I think she's lying it's just one of those things I guess.
Man oh man have I been sick for the past week! Saturday night I started to get stomach cramps really bad and then Sunday it just got worse. I pretty much just laid around on Sunday and I had the "trots" too, so it wasn't fun. Well Monday I woke up and still felt like crap so I took the day off and just kinda nursed myself. Sheena was sick too, so we just hung out together at home feeling crappy together. Then Tuesday I felt fine, so I came back to work. Well shortly after getting here I started to feel like crap again still trotting too :) Anyway, this continued on clear up until yesterday (Thursday). I don't know what the heck it was but wow it was terrible. I feel fine now, and I'm so excited to get back to the gym. I haven't dared go to the gym the past week with the way I was feeling, so it will be good to get back into the swing of things.
I'm so dang nervous about the Police Academy it's crazy. I am having issues with the fact that if I'm able to lose the weight and get in shape in time then I won't be able to pass the written part of it. I know I'm just psyching myself out and I need to quit doing it. I always have a tendancy to do this type of thing to myself when I'm trying to achieve something I hate it. I think I'll be alright and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to do it, but it's still kinda nerve racking. Sheena has always been more than supportive throughout our relationship, but even more so with this. I know she just wants to see me succeed and that's awesome. I don't get too many people in my life that not only support me but actually WANT me to do good, so it's a welcome change.
Speaking of Sheena, she is the most wonderful wife that I could've ever asked for. She's always good for comic relief and she doesn't mind being the 'butt' of the jokes with me. I like to tease her, but that's only cause she takes it so well, and well I'll be honest she IS quite an easy target. I love her more than anything in this world. I honestly never thought that I could love someone as much as I love her! I also have two of the best children in the entire world. Elgen and Chelsea are such good kids. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be blessed with three of the best people in the world that love me. Sheena sometimes tells me that she wishes that I would do sweet little things like I used to. I love doing those things, but part of the reason I don't do them as often is I don't know what to do. I kind of ran out of ideas, so that's a lot of why they don't happen as often they used to. I used up all my ideas while we were dating, so when I think of one, I do it. I hope that she knows that I love her more and more with every day, and that she means the world to me.
Well, I guess that's about all that I can think of to write about this time. So I guess I'll take off and I'll write again in a day or so, or when I think of something else to talk about.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Well I made a comand decision the other day. I am finally going to quit procrastinating and get ready for the Police Academy. I got most of my paperwork ready for it, now comes the daunting task of getting my butt in shape! I think I'm pretty close to being where I need to be in order to get through it, but I know for a fact that I do need SOME work. I am on this new program that my boss made up where he lost over 100lbs in 8 months! It's so crazy to see him before and after the weight loss, he looks like a completely different person. Anyway, the program is just a green drink (Alfalfa, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and other green things:P) and then a meal replacement shake thing. The shake is actually dang good, it tastes just like chocolate milk, but it's good for you. Basically the idea behind it all is the green drink neutralizes the sugars in your body and the meal replacement shake is to be drank between meals to keep your metabolism going crazy. I went on the program about a month and a half ago, and in three weeks I lost almost 12lbs. I had good intentions on sticking to it, but my kids got sick, my workout partner (my wonderful wife) got sick then I got sick, so it made it very difficult to go to the gym and eventually it just kinda died off. On a good note though, I don't think I've gained any of the 12lbs back yet, so I'm still doing good.
I figured yesterday and I have about two and a half months to get into shape. Like I said earlier though, I don't have too far to go, so I think it's definately do-able! Who am I kidding, of course it's do-able, I'm freakin awesome! :) I'm definately going to take my favorite phrase and apply it to my new goal and task! It's kinda nerdy, it's from Yoda. But everyone knows that Yoda is a stud, so I guess it's not too nerdy. And if you call Yoda a nerd to his face, he'll probably kick your butt! Anyway....the saying: "Do Or Do Not, There Is No Try!" I think that phrase applies to a lot of different situations in life, but especially when your going up against all odds. I like to achieve things that nobody thinks that you're able to do, then when you do it, you get to say "told you so." You get to say it right to their face, I swear to god you do! (Sheena will know what that is a reference to.)
Anyway, I guess I better go back to work, but I just wanted to start this new thing and keep it up this time. I tried it a while ago, but never had anything to write about, so it kind of died off quickly. This time, I am more motivated then I have ever been and I'm doing it this time! I'm tired of people not believing in me and thinking that I'll never do this. Especially my mother in law, I can't wait to rub this all over in her face when I graduate the academy. I know that sounds like a bad reason for doing it, but that's not the only reason for doing it. In fact that's not even close to the reason that I'm doing this. I'm doing it to make my family better and to make more money for us as well as the insurance. Right now we don't have insurance and so this will be a very good thing.
I'm going to end this now, but now that I have something to write about, I'll keep you all updated.
I figured yesterday and I have about two and a half months to get into shape. Like I said earlier though, I don't have too far to go, so I think it's definately do-able! Who am I kidding, of course it's do-able, I'm freakin awesome! :) I'm definately going to take my favorite phrase and apply it to my new goal and task! It's kinda nerdy, it's from Yoda. But everyone knows that Yoda is a stud, so I guess it's not too nerdy. And if you call Yoda a nerd to his face, he'll probably kick your butt! Anyway....the saying: "Do Or Do Not, There Is No Try!" I think that phrase applies to a lot of different situations in life, but especially when your going up against all odds. I like to achieve things that nobody thinks that you're able to do, then when you do it, you get to say "told you so." You get to say it right to their face, I swear to god you do! (Sheena will know what that is a reference to.)
Anyway, I guess I better go back to work, but I just wanted to start this new thing and keep it up this time. I tried it a while ago, but never had anything to write about, so it kind of died off quickly. This time, I am more motivated then I have ever been and I'm doing it this time! I'm tired of people not believing in me and thinking that I'll never do this. Especially my mother in law, I can't wait to rub this all over in her face when I graduate the academy. I know that sounds like a bad reason for doing it, but that's not the only reason for doing it. In fact that's not even close to the reason that I'm doing this. I'm doing it to make my family better and to make more money for us as well as the insurance. Right now we don't have insurance and so this will be a very good thing.
I'm going to end this now, but now that I have something to write about, I'll keep you all updated.
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