Sunday, June 8, 2008

So here we go again. Well I went to the gym again on Sat. morning. I love that gym up on 9th east, it's so nice. Well I have put a couple pounds back on dang it all anyway. I think it's because I'm not sick anymore, so now I'll have to really watch myself and stay dedicated. I'm at 309lbs. which is still freakin awesome, I'll take it for now. My ab muscles hurt so bad today though. I really worked them hard on Sat. and I've paid for it all day today. It hurts when I laugh, bend over too far, cough, pretty much anything that has to do with my torso. Oh well, like the old addage goes, "no pain, no gain" right?! :)

I'm looking forward to getting up and going again tomorrow before work. I talked to Sheena about it and we're going to drop the kids off at 6 a.m. then drive up to the gym on 9th east and work out from about 6:15 to 7:15. We're going to get a good hour in anyway. Then we'll head back here to the apartment and shower quickly then head to work by 8:30. We used to go to the gym in Spanish Fork, but we never had the opportunity to shower afterwards so it was kinda gross. This way we'll get to workout in the new gym and shower, so it's a win, win. I'm starting to get nervous about whether or not I'm going to be able to make the physical part of the academy in time, but I can't worry about it now. I just have to stay focused and keep commited to this and it will happen I just know it!

Sheena decided to try and do a body wrap tonight. I got to wrap her up in cloth, it was pretty wierd. The stuff that she rubbed on herself looked like poo. It seriously looked like she laid in a big steaming pile of poo and then wrapped herself up in cloths. It didn't stink or anything, it just looked really gross! She's up in the bathtub right now letting it sit then she'll shower to get it off her. I hope it works, or else she'll be disappointed. I don't know how it will work, but it's worth a shot I suppose.

Anyway, gotta run get Chelsea to bed, but I thought I'd write a quick note in here. Talk to you later!!

1 comment:

Sheena said...

ha ha that stuff TOTALLY looked like poop. You should have seen it when I took the wraps off, it was falling all over the tub and it had clumped, so it was like a more "solid" version.... :P