Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well I'm still waiting to hear back on my financial aid. I did call them today however and they said that they are working on them now, and it should be within the next few days when I should hear back. AARGH! I wish I had known about the whole $35 fee needed to be paid to UVU and NOT the Academy, I would've registered a month ago and gotten all my paperwork in for Pell Grant then, but I was under the impression that I had to pay the $35 to the Academy and so I waited till I was almost done with all my appointments and tests and stuff. So now I get to wait because it's so close to school. I hope it gets taken care of quickly though. I just want to know how much I'm getting so that I can plan accordingly whether or not I need to get a student loan or not.

Anyway, tonight we decided to pass some time by drawing....well attempting to draw. I realized tonight why I haven't ever really drawn people, I CAN'T! I hate it, because I want to draw these pictures Sheena found so bad, but I just can't get it down. I guess I'll keep practicing though and hopefully eventually I'll get it. Anyway, while I was looking through my drawing tablet I found this picture of a catfish I drew that I was going to get tattooed on me a while ago, but never did. I like it, I think it's a cool picture. For my tattoo I was going to put a fish hook in it's mouth though, other than that it was going to look pretty much like this. I think it would be cool with a background also, like maybe some old license plates or something. And maybe some rocks with a little moss growing on them, who knows.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention something that happened to me this morning. I FELL DOWN THE GOD DAMMED STAIRS! Luckily I only fell down the last 5 or 6. But it was dark, I was tired as hell and it was like 6:00 A.M. and I didn't get to bed till after midnight, plus I didn't sleep good at all last night. SOOO needless to say my day didn't start off on too good of a note. I was grumpy and sore all day. I'm still pretty sore though, but I'll get over it. I have to, I don't have a choice, I have to go to the gym and workout tomorrow and Sat. Then I'll get a day to rest (Sun.) then it's back to my regular schedule. I took today off from the gym, I figured falling down the stairs was a good enough reason to cancel my workout for today. Although I feel really lazy when I don't go to the gym, so I probably should have gone, but I'll make up for today over the next two days. :)
Anyway, I am going to go watch some Olympics I think. Maybe have some ice cream too! Yummy...I'll write again once I have more to write about.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

I sitll can't believe you fell down the stairs. It scared the crap out of me.

This week we are going to bust our humps at the gym. GO US! Just kidding, I am excited though.

Love you.